• @A7thStone@lemmy.world
    48 months ago

    I’m with you on this. I’ve been using openSUSE since it was SuSE Linux, and I still here bs on occasion about how they sold out open-source to MS. I’m not a huge fan of what Novell did back in the day, although it did end up costing MS more money. That said the opensuse community is not whichever corporation owns SLE currently, and they still contribute back to the community.

    • @wolf@lemmy.zip
      28 months ago

      Thanks! And I totally agree with you: We don’t have to defend or like what the corporations/companies do, most of their moves I don’t like. OTOH Linux would not be anywhere w/o their investment. (Sad look over to the *BSDs, Haiku and ReactOS.)

      There is so much crazy good and innovative output from the communities around Fedora and openSUSE (I like what is happening with Aeon right now, very cool and innovative)… so IMHO it should be the default for every FOSS user to project the communities which produce great products free of charge from bullshiters. :-)
