• Trojan Ham
    9 months ago

    How is it on resources? I have a i386 project computer running Debian 12 and I’m looking to make it as “modern” as possible. Right now, my fight is with slow browsers and LibreOffice (I’m trying to avoid the Abiword, etc route).

    • poVoq
      79 months ago

      It either runs in the browser or an electron app, so unlikely that OnlyOffice will be a good fit.

      You could try Collabora/Nextcloud Office, which runs the LibreOffice on the server and just streams UI tiles to the clients, so the impact of running that in shifted to the server. Still needs to run a browser though.

    • ares35
      39 months ago

      if it’s an old (like c2d or older) pc with hdd and limited ram, probably better to use openoffice or libreoffice and deal with the slow launch times. onlyoffice is essentially a javascript app in exe form and is a bit slow on older hardware.

      • Trojan Ham
        19 months ago

        Ok. I’ve put in a SSD, I’m looking to add RAM (I may be already maxed out), and run zswap, etc. I guess I’ll be sticking with LibreOffice.

        I use the laptop for ham radio stuff, mostly, and things like an office suite are secondary.