    19 months ago


    > Wait KDE needs more money?

    Yes. We need money to pay for personnel salaries, our yearly
    Akademy event, travel for community members to sprints and other events, the maintenance and rent of our tech infrastructure, rent for our Office, taxes and insurance, and other stuff.

    KDE’s software is always evolving and being worked on. We need money to keep things moving, otherwise the KDE project and most of the software projects that rely on it would die.

      • KDEOP
        19 months ago


        > What is KDE Plasma exactly?

        Good question, and one of the harder ones to answer: Exactly, exactly it is “desktop environment”. That is, a graphical environment and a series of graphical utilities that allow you to manage most aspects of your computer, and provides the infrastructure needed by your apps to run.

        • KDEOP
          19 months ago


          Plasma allows you to configure how your desktop looks, manage connections to the network, provides graphical connections to your devices (mice, hard disks, printers, etc.), let’s you run your programs with ease, and also lets different programs to graphically communicate with each other (via, for example, drag and drop).

      • Franzia
        19 months ago

        NGL I found this page about how new goals are chosen every 3 years and this organization has rocketed into Fascinating status in my mind.

        KDE’s Current Goals

        Automation of internal processes