It’s missing the third dimension. It may look like a circle, but it’s actually spiraling downwards.
It’s missing the third dimension. It may look like a circle, but it’s actually spiraling downwards.
Remember the ending of ‘The Dead Zone’? I have a stupid feeling it wouldn’t be a career-ender in our reality…
It’s load-bearing dust.
Even The Simpsons covered the Odyssey at some point though.
I prefer the wide game just to see the King run a marathon to castle up.
Why contain it? Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they’ll beg us to save them.
Maybe she just told him she was Melania and he can’t tell anymore.
When I heard “CrowdStrike” took down operating systems everywhere, I thought it was the name of a virus or a group of hackers. I’m not the only one hearing an inherent villainy in that name, right?
I’ve gotten so used to looking at the details that I didn’t even notice the blatant fire-in-the-tent.
It’s all you need to write it in Braille.
deleted by creator
20 years ago, they sold every Street Fighter three times with more characters in each new iteration. Microtransactions suck, but simple DLC is a less shitty than what used to be normal.
Wikipedia says:
“The possession, distribution, sale and manufacture of pornographic materials are illegal, with laws strictly enforced. Possession of pornographic material can carry a fine or up to three years imprisonment.”
Minding your business is one thing, the other is porn being illegal in Ukraine. But let this be the first step towards rectifying that in the next era.
The man’s not gonna live forever, ownership changing is a matter of time, not raw money. And I dread that time.
Careful, one wrong dumpster and you’ll need a team of teenagers with attitudes.
So Doom won’t even exist and it’s just another villain doing Weekend at Tony’s.