The story implies she shot herself. Fat kills.
Gun’s dont kill people. Sentient fat rolls kill people. Stay away from food kids
Stay away from wheat and wheat byproducts
Indeed. What is up with that?
The person you are most likely to kill with your guns is yourself.
Not if I kill that bastard first!
The only thing that can stop a bad self with a gun is a good self with a gun.
My ego won’t let me.
Shit, had to delete my comment because you posted this first. Fucking hell
That’ll teach him to ruin my life!
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iirc she left the safety off and it went off accidentally and grazed her as well as someone else
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no open carry? what is this? the soviet union?
You joke, but these are the same people who think being banned from a server is “censorship”. The joke will become reality, again.
You joke but the people most likely to carry are more likely to support Putin over Biden.
Modern Russia isn’t the Soviet Union though, very far from it. It’s a fascist theocracy.
The name changed, the number of satellite republics changed. The religion really didn’t change that much other than the orthodox Catholic Church being able to show back up without getting executed. The state held properties got bought up by oligarchs so that’s a little different from traditional fascism where private companies are controlled by the government and vice versa. In the current case the oligarchs tremble in fear so the traditional ties between private companies and government that one finds and fascism doesn’t really work in this situation. So calling it both fascist and a theocracy isn’t in keeping with the traditional meaning of either word. It’s like calling a Tesla a horseless carriage. A lot is different from what that originally meant.
The religion really didn’t change that much other than the orthodox Catholic Church being able to show back up without getting executed.
Nonsense. The orthodox Church is as big a power in Russian politics as it was in Tsarist times. They pretty much control the social policy of Russia. For example, the draconian anti-LGBTQ+ laws are, if not religiously motivated, at the very least using religiously based arguments to justify the bigotry. That’s a far fucking cry from “show up without getting executed”!
The state held properties got bought up by oligarchs so that’s a little different from traditional fascism where private companies are controlled by the government and vice versa.
Nope, oligarchic capitalism is very much a pillar of modern fascism. Same in Putin’s Russia as it was in Bolsonaro’s Brazil.
In the current case the oligarchs tremble in fear so the traditional ties between private companies and government that one finds and fascism doesn’t really work in this situation.
Couldn’t be further from the truth. The oligarchs (along with the church) are the power base of Putin, gaslighting the public and keeping him in power no matter how much he abuses the people. Far from trembling in fear, they’re living in a malevolent symbiosis with Putin’s government.
So calling it both fascist and a theocracy isn’t in keeping with the traditional meaning of either word
Yeah, it is. I’ve already explained the theocratic element and, other than oligarchs playing a different role, it’s fascism as it always has been.
In conclusion, you’re talking absolute bullshit and should really learn more about reality before you make assumptions that are completely divorced from it.
Oh. I see, you live in a reality that’s 25% different. And you happen to be so rude that you can’t find ways to educate anyone on anything because you are too busy insulting them for them to even take you seriously.
No, I live in the real world and I DID just educate you. My mocking tone is entirely appropriate given your arrogant assertions of nonsense about well-known facts concerning a major world power. It’s not my fault that the truth perplexes and offends you.
Did she even know it was there?
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If it’s missing an eagle somwhere, I don’t want to know where, just leave it OP thanks
Needs a ‘she’s suing them for negligence.’
But I already got the cage… Come on…
That victim’s name? Landeagle Walmart.
Here I am
Rock you like a Murican
Is there a new season or I forgot this episode?
I think it’s the one where they’re on the toy train that north got for Christmas or something like that
You forgot this episode, or at least this part. It’s a season 4 episode, Never Rocking Morty.
No, that’s too American.
And some explosions of course and the USA’s national anthem earrape
CACAW! ♬ Oooonward toooo, the danger zoooone ♬