Is everyone forgetting we have already fought one war on our northern border? Shit happens. What if Canada went nuts and elected some narcissistic tv host that wears a diaper as a leader and they formed a cult by accident and it’s members started shooting people across the border. You would want a contingency plan in place to handle that, ya know?
That was more than 200 years ago - 2/3 of the states didn’t exist yet - and it ended in a mostly pointless stalemate.
That was more than 200 years ago
Your point being what?
When your neighbors to the north call it “The Geneva Suggestions” tell me you’re not going to have constant contingency plans for the day they stop saying “sorry”. 😁
ended in a mostly pointless stalemate
They fought it to beat France, they ended up beating France. I think it’s safe to say they won.
Is this the war of 1812 where Canada burned down your first White House? That pointless stalemate?
British troops did that, specifically British troops who had never set foot in British North America, let alone Canada, which didn’t exist. And yes, any war that ends in status que ante bellum is pointless.
Sorta… Wars can be about more than territory, which is all that term refers to.
America achieved all its stated goals for the war, which didn’t include “Actually this is mostly just a war of conquest we hope you’re too busy to defend against.” It just conveniently doesn’t mention a couple had already happened, and it would have been gauche to admit we really just wanted the territory.
They burned down the white house because they were forced to leave the city. People always act like it was some huge victory for them but they always leave out the fact that they couldn’t actually hold territory in the US, and the war ended with a major US victory at New Orleans.
At the same time the US invasion of Canada failed and they couldn’t hold territory there either. Obviously. That’s called a stalemate.
Just a dumb point to bring up since we can all see that DC doesn’t belong to the UK today. And Toronto doesn’t belong to the US. So yes it was a stalemate, without the sarcastic quotation marks.
Could be a crack smoking narcissist instead… or his brother.
I assume the US military has an invasion plan on the books for about every country on the face of the earth. They gotta spend all the trillions of dollars of black money on something.
“Operation Waffle Garden,” US invasion of Belgium
Operation Waffle Stomp rolls off the tongue a bit more
Sorry, that was a reference to an actual WW2 operation in the Low Countries, Operation Market Garden
Fun Fact: We have a plan for fighting the whole world at the same time.
Also Fun Fact: It was considered a workable plan until China’s navy was expanded.
Well, not anymore since Trump probably sold everything
I think my favorite part of this is looking at the Canadian and British plans for if the US invaded Canada.
Canada’s plan was to pre-emptively invade the US, knowing that Canada wouldn’t be able to hold the territory long-term. They would go as deep as they could before they started to fall back as slowly as possible, hoping to buy time for the UK to sail over and invade the mainland US.
The UK’s plan was to abandon Canada and just let the Americans take over. Losing Canada was seen as “non-fatal” to the UK, and it was believed that sending an invasion force to fight back would hurt the UK more than if they just abandoned Canada’s defense entirely.
Damn that’s fucked up. I feel bad for the Canadians reading that. Imagine fighting desperately for your independence just to have your big bro stab you in the back like that.
Like what happened to Poland in ww2 basically. The difference was that they were already fighting with their allies.
They would attack targets like New Orleans and let American infantry try to bog down in occupying Canada. They’d still invade, just with the goal of a status quo ante bellum by targeting key US ports.
To be fair, this is hardly a plan, it’s just “head north to your nearest Canadian city”
When I drove near the Canadian border there were intersections the just had a sign with an arrow that said Canada.
So just go north and watch for the Canada signs.
They didn’t need to do anything, our politicians started to deepthroat theirs. Look at Definbaker, scrapped the world’s most advanced jet program so the US could give us some Bulmark missiles as defense from Russia and guess what, WE NEVER GOT THEM. 1995 we sold CN Rail to an American. Fast cowards to The Harper regime, he gave the US army promission to be used in Canada if we ask for help, sold of the wheat boards assets to an American for $1 even though it was worth billions. CRA on multiple occasions have let the American company KPMG help the richest Canadians avoid taxes.
We may as well be part of America except going to a hospital won’t bankrupt ya here
I would assume all sovereign countries would have plans like these as contingencies of contingencies. You would want a plan already made in case some coup happens in your neighboring country and they threaten your sovereignty.
Hey remember when you tried that last time and your precious Whitehouse got burnt down?
Good luck importing some English Redcoats this time, future states.
Lmao the most recent Canadian W is from the 18th century. Are you implying that the modern Canadians military and modern US military are equals?
You’re just going to ignore the Canadian support for the Allies during WW2? They were a significant portion of the Invasion of Normandy and helped push all the way to Germany.
Is it really a W for Canada if Canada was a colony? Doesn’t UK get the credit for that?
Yes. Them and the Six Nations.
Countries have contingency plans aginst other countries. Individuals should also have contingency plans… against other individuals. 😈
PlanForBreakingIntoMyNeighboursHouse.docx [Just a contingency plan I swear]
I do.
That’s why there’s a BB gun near my front window, for the next time the Lazy Dog Owner strikes
Batman has a contingency plan to kill every individual in the Justice League, including himself.
I appreciate that the prairie provinces are just “Ehh, just go generally north.”
Also, scary thing is, that’s exactly how to do it.
it’s okay Canada had plans too
Today all they would have to do is stand at the border and yell “We’ll give you American citizenship and you can trade your $CAD for $USD at par”
I’ll go fetch the white flags
Why would they want to give up free healthcare?
You would be surprised the level to which our healthcare system has degraded in recent years. I’m lucky to have a doctor as my wife’s doctor left the country, leaving her searching for a new doctor for years. Nobody is accepting new patients and my daughter is in the same situation so they have to go to walk in clinics if they have any issues.
Acute care is OK but wait times are so long that people are dying in the ER, and you’d better hope you don’t have something that requires long term management if you can’t find a doctor.
Plus pharmacy and dental have never been covered, and those are a large portion of the average person’s healthcare cost, so you still need to carry private insurance.
Fuck that noise, I don’t want to be part of that shit hole of a country
Oh this is gonna catch you some throws. 🔥
What’s the source for this? Is it anything other than CCP propaganda intended to drive a wedge between the US and Canada?
Yes, maoists in China created a detailed invasion plan for the US to invade Canada, infiltrated the US government and then had them “declassified” in 1974 in order to create a mild temporary tension between the two close knit NATO allies.
Yeah, in the 1920’s to boot. If B-movie (or nowadays just any movie studio) were on here, they’d take what you just wrote, add time travel to it and make it into a movie without giving you credit. And they’d probably find some way to use AI in it too.
Is this what Canadian Bacon is based off of?
The only logical reasoning in this situation lmao
So, you know nothing about this and just want to insult me.
The USA had a standing policy of having a war plan ready for every contingency. I suggest looking up “War Plan Red” on wikipedia, its a good read!
Alien invasions. Including variables for infiltration and technological advantage.
Zombie outbreaks, magical or biological in nature.
Fighting a war against every nation on Earth at the same time.
All kinds of civil war scenarios.
Lmao wut?
You have limitless information at your fingertips and you refuse to do an iota of research before jumping on “China bad”?
Fuck China, but for the love of God… literally attempt googling something next time 🤦♂️
There’s CCP propaganda all over Lemmy, whether you want to see it or not.
The truth is not propogandan just because its inconvenient.
That’s actually the best kind of propaganda.
I doubt OP is a CCP agent. They might have an agenda, but all the adults in the room know this isn’t a big deal.
Of course, but having a critical perspective is key to limiting how effect propaganda is.
How exactly is assuming that disagrees with your opinions being propoganda critical? Seems like the opposite.
Might want to practice your English a little bit.
The critical perspective of being obtuse and misrepresenting data? 🤣
I like how people forget that almost every countries military has plans to invade/defend their neighbourhood, better to have plans ready for that time then not having any plan.
Why would it be? It’s always good to have contingency plans. This became even more clear in the 30s when political instability was rife everywhere. Never knew what your neighbors were going to do in a decade.