I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don’t get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?
Factorio. I don’t even need a second pick
The expansion, presumably
Yeah I mean you’re not gonna have time to eat or sleep, let alone play an entire other game.
I need a change of scenery once in a while. I’ve been on a slow Dwarf Fortress - Factorio - Minecraft loop for about the last 15 years. Currently playing Minecraft, specifically the Enigmatica 6 Expert modpack which I started nearly 2 years ago.
I’ve never heard of Enigmatica before. The last expert modpack I went through was FTB Interactions, which also took me about 2 years to complete.
How is it?
The store tab and the library tab
I feel attacked
Don’t worry I have potion!
This one
It must be awesome hoarding all those games huh?
factorio and rimworld. I can’t believe that combo isn’t here yet.
Perfect combo.
I’d spin that slightly, and go with Satisfactory and Dwarf Fortress.
I guess that means I like having a third dimension.
Ah, but would you keep Workshop access?
If so, Garry’s Mod is almost cheating. There’s a bit of everything in it.
So that and Warframe. I picked up WF ten years ago and it’s still in my top ten recently played games. Though I have a love/hate relationship with the Metagame it turned into, it still remains.
Tabletop Simulator might be cheating too
Farmframe is pretty solid pick. Ever growing amount of content to play and collect, plus the gameplay is fun. For me it’s kind of missing a reason to farm all the stuff though, but I’ve also stuck with it on and off about 9 years now
To be honest, I stopped being a “qualified player” a few years ago. Nowadays I load up a nice long Survival round, usually against Infested to chew on, with whatever Frame I’ve forgotten how to play, to enjoy the loop without stress. So I’m not in it to farm all the stuff either. Or, I’ll play the story quest if a new one is out, since they are pretty well scaled for solo play and/or give you what you need.
Other than that I just can’t compete. I tripped some time ago and didn’t keep up with the latest meta builds, so now I struggle to have the things “required” to effectively participate in public sessions or the latest missions. And don’t even get me started on Rivens, Shards, Liches or whatever.
If I join a Zariman round I’ll probably die. Not as much now that I have Titania, but I’m also not clearing rooms in a single volley like everyone else.
I’m a filthy casual and I still find a way to have fun, so there’s something there worth keeping.
RetroArch ;)
That’s an android app, why waste a steam game on that when you can get it out of steam?
I get the point you’re making, but I still wanted to point out that RetroArch is multi platform, not just Android.
The same could be said about any game with any non-Steam availability. I don’t think that was OP’s intent. That being said, emulators surely were not the intent either.
If this counts then my first game is explorer.exe
Fallout 4 and Civ VI
Are you me?
I have 1300 hours in FO4 and almost 8600 in Civ6.
Second game: Factorio, with mods enabled.
So I’m going for longevity. These two definitely wouldn’t be my first choices for top games.
Elder Scrolls Online and Minecraft. There is enough story, social, and creativity that I would hope it works out.
Once Baldurs Gate 3 gets solid modding, and assuming modding is allowed, that takes a spot.
Minecraft is not on steam unfortunately and I don’t know how wise it is to choose a multiplayer only game like ESO since they will eventually shut down the servers
Ah forgot the steam part.
I figure I would get bored of ESO in 15 or so years when it closes. I suspect any game will lose me at a point. For the time it’s online, it would offer a lot.
I’ll sub Minecraft out for No Man’s Sky. Valheim was close to taking the spot but it just doesn’t ring as fun when friends aren’t around. I would pace myself big time.
Does BG3 not? I used tons of mods that seemed regularly updated.
I could be wrong, I haven’t modded yet, but I think official support is in the future. That’s when I suspect it will really shine.
I just looked it up, and the first thing that came up was a ton of articles about a series of tweets Larian put out today explaining that they’re working on official mod support, but that they’d like to ask people to stop being toxic assholes and threatening their devs.
So I guess they don’t have official mod support, but the mods that are and have been out for months are amazing. I highly recommend Native Camera Tweaks, WASD Movement, 5e Spells, and Hexblade Warlock (gish class that makes your spellcasting modifier and melee stat both Charisma so you’re SAD instead of MAD on both Str/Dex and Int/Cha). There’s also a bunch of other QoL mods that are worth getting too.
I would say noita and beatsaber.
Yeah, if I could only play that I might eventually beat it
I was also gonna say Noita, it’s so good, especially now with some new mods
Slay The Spire for replay value and Rocket League for “pvp” itch.
Satisfactory & Mass Effect
Mass effect legendary edition is one game with 3 games inside, so does that still count?
…I count it
Terraria and Starbound bc mods
I have a very specific taste
Starbound is such a good game, just wish steam had cloud save for it.
Slay the Spire and Noita
Deep Rock Galactic and Pinball FX3. I’m tempted to put Baldurs Gate 3, but once you’ve done a number of runs, I feel like you’ll be done with it.
Dwarf Fortress and Dota 2