This has the aesthetics of spilled ice cream.
Or a Smurf massacre
Maybe Wario and Waluigi will take a tour after their honeymoon
Wow. Purple is my favorite color and this still makes me want to vomit. The white walls are really jarring. The floor is pretty slick, but not at all right for a kitchen. This is awful in every conceivable way.
I love purple and I even love cabinets with some color in it. But this ain’t it, chief. It’s like they deliberately chose the most vibrant and gaudy color imaginable.
I cannot even believe this is the actual color. It looks so bad plus there’s just something off about the color of light coming through the window. Imagine if the saturation was less and it was a little more red. It’d be a perfectly normal color choice in that case. Hard to say if it’s just the photo or not, or if it was photoshopped to exaggerate a slightly-off color.
Might be a weirdly overly saturated photo. Sometimes I feel like real estate agents go a bit wild with the color alterations they do in photos.
I could see like…a row of purple accent tiles in a backsplash. But fuck.
Fuck house flippers
The floor is incredibly cool tho
I hate it. It permanently looks like something has spilled on it
Yeah… but that floor is what makes me think that all is just color edit of the image.
I love it, but I have horrible taste (exemplified by the fact that I’d love it even more if the white was black.) This was definitely not the move to take if you’re trying to sell quickly. Yikes.
Apart from the colour, what is up with the scale of this kitchen? The top looks to be about knee high. The weirdly tall upper cupboards and the angle of the pic make it so odd, is the ceiling at like 2m?
It’s made for Barney the dinosaur.
Motherf#@ker stabbed grimace on that floor then dragged him out.
Was something done in like photoshop with the colors in this pic? It looks off to me, but I’m not an expert.
Most listings have their photos over saturated and the shadows lifted to make things appear brighter and more colorful. In this case, it’s like a flash bang.
yeah it was shopped. you can tell by the pixels.