Brazil Hits 92% Renewable Energy Milestone::On February 7, Brazil marked a landmark achievement, powering 92.4% of its electricity from renewable sources.

    311 year ago

    As it says not in the title, it’s only electric energy and we always had insane hydroelectric power generation. People shouldn’t think that is because the government is investing hard on being green, or cares a lot about the environment (heck, some of the newer hydroelectrics destroyed a ton of the Amazon forest)

    101 year ago

    Is this nameplate capacity, actually peak generation, or average generation? They’re all good, but for the first two, to get 100% renewable energy all the time, you need a lot more than 100% nameplate or peak generation.

      111 year ago

      Looks like the original source is this:

      O Sistema Interligado Nacional registrou consumo recorde de energia nesta quinta-feira (7/2). Às 14h15, a carga total foi de 101.860 megawatt (MW), com 92,4% de fornecimento por fontes renováveis, especialmente usinas hidrelétricas, usinas eólicas, usinas solares e micro e minigeração distribuída, segundo dados do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS).

      Rough translation:

      The Sistema Interligado Nacional (“Interconnected National System”) registered record energy consumption this wednesday (7/2). At 14h15, the total load was of 101.860 megawatt (MW), with 92,4% provided by renewable sources, in particular hydroeletric plants, wind plants, solar plants plus micro and mini distributed generation, according to data from the Operator Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (“National Electric System Operator”) (ONS).

      So if I’m understanding correcty this was peak generation.

    61 year ago

    The article title is a blatant lie. “Energy” includes transportation fuels etc., not just electricity!