Capcom announced on Monday that the game would be getting a TMNT crossover, which would include new costumes, accessories, emotes, stamps and more.
At the time of the announcement Capcom neglected to including pricing information, but now that the new content is available in the game its various costs are clear.
Players can buy four full Turtle costumes for their in-game avatar, with each costing 750 Fighter Coins, which are the game’s premium currency. If they just want the coloured Turtle masks for their avatar, those cost 250 Fighter Coins each.
The game also includes sticker sets (priced at 100 Fighter Coins), taunts (250), in-game camera frames (100) and in-game device wallpapers (100), at a total cost of 1300.
In all, then, the total cost of all the TMNT content is 5300 Fighter Coins. While these can be earned, they’re mostly bought with real money.
Fighter Coins are sold in bundles of 250, 610, 1250 and 2750. Assuming a player has no Fighter Coins, then, the cheapest way to buy all the TMNT content would be to buy two bundles of 2750 Fighter Coins.
This has a total cost of $99.98 / £79.96, significantly more than the full game’s price of $59.99 / £54.98.
A player wishing to buy a single Turtle costume at 750 Fighter Coins would have to buy a bundle of 1250, costing $23.99 / £18.98. It costs $100 to unlock all of Street Fighter 6’s TMNT content
It should be noted that these costumes aren’t new playable fighters – instead, they’re skins for the player’s avatar, who’s mainly used in the game’s World Tour mode.
In comparison, when the TMNT were added to Warner Bros‘ DC fighting game Injustice 2, the fighter pack cost $19.99 / £15.99 and contained all four Turtles as separate, fully-fledged fighters, as well as two extra fighters, Atom and Enchantress.
The Street Fighter 6 collaboration is designed to tie in with the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, the latest TMNT feature film, which is currently in cinemas.
It should be noted that these costumes aren’t new playable fighters – instead, they’re skins for the player’s avatar, who’s mainly used in the game’s World Tour mode.
In comparison, when the TMNT were added to Warner Bros‘ DC fighting game Injustice 2, the fighter pack cost $19.99 / £15.99 and contained all four Turtles as separate, fully-fledged fighters, as well as two extra fighters, Atom and Enchantress.
The Street Fighter 6 collaboration is designed to tie in with the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, the latest TMNT feature film, which is currently in cinemas.
Man, I am so burned out on the AAA gaming scene. From exclusive content, to microtransactions, to premium currencies, to lootboxes, to pre-order bonuses, to endless DLC, to battle passes, to live service nonsense, to kernel-level anticheat, to it becoming normal for games to launch in a broken state, to NFTs, to absurd pricing/unwarranted price increases, and all the while these companies are treating their employees like shit, crunching, covering up sexual harassment cases internally, and union-busting.
It’s nuts to think that when I was growing up, I knew that if a game was made by EA, or Square Enix, or Blizzard, or Activision, that I was in for a good time. Now I avoid all of them, or at least wait for reviews, patches, and sales. I miss the days of going to a shop, buying a cartridge or disc, coming home, and playing the game–end of transaction.
I guess what I’m saying is, thank god for indie devs.
That why I’m so happy to see how well Baldur’s Gate 3 is doing. It shows that if you make a good game and you don’t treat your players like idiots and don’t nickel and dime the then you’ll be successful. Elden Ring did the same thing last year. I’m happy to buy those at launch to support doing things correctly. The rest of the garbage, I’ll pass. There’s too many indie games and things I can play instead.
I don’t buy singleplayer games which contain microtransactions or battle passes. I rather pirate them once they are available. There is no way I’ll vote with my money to support these greedy corporate studios. I don’t usually stick to these games anyway so it would be just wasting money.
Yeah, I’m not buying a game that’s gonna cost more than the SSD it’s installed on
Shiiiiet. That’s a very good point. Capcom can go fuck themselves haha.
Shame to see this from such a great game. What an insult to everyone.
Well, I am sure the ones to blame here are people that buy the stuff and support this kind of practice. Capcom did a fine job with SF6 as a base game. Now they are trying to cash in for the long run, so they put these kinds of microtransactions. If people buy this crap, they must be blamed first and foremost, not Capcom.
I love love love Street Fighter 6 and think it is in the running for the best fight game ever. Capcom did so many things right including all of its accessibility options
But this TMNT costume stuff being almost as much as the game itself is just pure trash and heartbreaking. Absolute greed. Just terrible.
I think they justify themselves as being purely cosmetics but that price is just steeeeeep. Nonetheless I am very much enjoying the game and for sure a contender for best fighting game to date.
idk, the price doesn’t bother me that much. they’re just skins.
It should bother you. 10-15 years ago you’d get all this content for maybe $20. Sure, this doesn’t actually get you anything, but it’s a symptom of a much larger problem.
If you haven’t yet,try Baldur’s Gate 3. You pay once for a game and you get all of the content and no bullshit. That’s how all games used to be. We could have more games like it if people didn’t just keep saying “it doesn’t bother me, it’s just…”
If people are willing to spend the money, what’s wrong with it. I wouldn’t pay for that trash, but it’s their IP. If people don’t like it- don’t play it.
I don’t get the problem.
I understand your position but the problem here is that it is a business model that seems to be successful. This makes other companies and product follow suit. This fact changes the quality of the games produced in the future for the worse (arguably) because they are now designed to get you to spend money on cosmetics instead of you know actually liking the game for what it is.
Again, I don’t see the problem. It’s THEIR product. We are consumers. We have the power, not them. Don’t buy and/or play the game if you don’t like their business practice. Speak with your wallet/purse… But don’t think you have the authority to tell them they can’t do this. Until capitalism is replaced by another system of economic government, this is how things should be. Take the good with the bad.
Voting wallets is what brought us here. Free market does not have the consumers best interest as their prinary driver. It’s money. This discussion is on how us consumers feel about the businesses response to the market and how they are exploiting human weaknesses to get quick cash and how this phenomena shapes the market for the future. It does not look good. That is what we are saying.
No, it’s whining and bitching about how they shouldn’t be allowed to do it. About how it’s “unethical” and “evil.”
It’s capitalism. Nothing more. It’s not unethical to charge money for a service. If you don’t want it- don’t fucking buy it. They’re not going to give shit away for free. And if they’re gouging- fuck them. Don’t buy it.
But don’t think because you’re a “paying customer” you have the right to expect them to stop doing shit because you don’t like it. Gaming is a business. Open your own development studio and make free games if that’s what you want, but you have no say in wether a company decides to use micro transactions. And for the record,
I don’t play a single game that uses them. I think it’s a garbage grifting mechanism, but I don’t assume I have any authority to suggest they can’t do it.
Have you thought carefully? Or have you not thought much about it?
I’ll give you a benefit of the doubt and pretend like you’re asking seriously rather than trolling.
One problem is that, if studios are primarily focused on maximising immediate profit, game design suffers. Games are no longer designed, for example, to have a nice finite story because finite stories mean finite cash. It’s better to design massive multiplayer games that continue to squeeze cash from players.
You already see the effects of this in 2023. Games that were created in the 80s and 90s and 00s would never be made today by big studios because they cannot maintain a constant source of profit.
The idea of “if people don’t like it then don’t play it” assumes that there is a healthy competition for game design. Have you not noticed the dearth of offline single player games?
Have you heard of the phrase “the medium is the message”? The point is that the chosen medium can shape the final outcome. As it pertains to game design, if you need to design your games so that the medium uses DLCs and other pay-as-you-play elements, this ultimately has an impact on the final artistic product. Everybody suffers because you’ve injected this into your game because everybody receives a substandard product.
It’s still their IP. Which is my point. Complaint about what someone does with their product is incredibly pointless to me. If for makes a shitty car- I don’t buy ford. If McDonald’s makes shitty food, I don’t buy McDonald’s. Why are gamers so entitled that they think they get to dictate what game developers do with their own product?
If you don’t like capitalism, fix it with your vote. But don’t make the mistake that you get to decide what a company does with their IP unless you are a shareholder.
We are talking about cosmetic DLC that you can also buy using ingame currency, that’s exactly the thing that most DLC should be - optional cosmetic things you can get if you want to, with no real impact on the game itself.
This would be a whole different story if they were selling four new playable characters for $100, but they aren’t.They are bloody expensive though.
Even this is not quite good. I want to finish whole game and unlock these goodies by playing not spending money. Even though it’s not essential for gameplay it’s better that you are rewarded by these goodies for actually playing the game.
I don’t mind paying for big story DLC like Blood and Wine from The Witcher game but to pay for some cosmetic stuff which should be part of the game is big no no…