Today’s game is Halo Reach. Me and a friend were going to play Halo 2 but for some reason MCC on steam only downloaded Reach, so we played that instead. We found a pair of forklifts and while the NPCs handled the fighting we drove them around and crashed into eachother. You can see the battle above taking place. finally after a while we progressed through the mission.

The whole game gives me kind of skyrim vibes, and also Half Life 2. I think it’s the car and the highway like infrastructure remind me of HL2 and the environment reminding me of Skyrim. There’s a lot of snow everywhere and there were even some glaciers we drove past.

The game also gave me a great chance to test out my new gaming rig. I am proud to say it handled it at 4k, at max settings at a stable 60 fps. I was going to push for 120 but for some reason i guess my monitor can’t do that despite me being 100% sure it could. I even had it hooked up via DP.

The game is really pretty. I really liked this mountain region. It reminded me of Far Cry 4, with all those high up peaks and things you could climb. That game was also really pretty when i played through it.

Overall i really like reach. The powerup system has been fun to play with and it looks really pretty. After Halo 2 i might go back and finish it.

  • iltoroargento
    142 months ago

    You’ve got to tick the other games you want in the dlc page after going to the game’s properties in steam.

    You can do that now to add the ones you want to play. For some reason if you just click download without selecting any other dlc, it just installs Reach.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      12 months ago

      I was thinking it would carry my selections from Steam Deck over. I went ahead and started the downloads this morning and they’re all done now thankfully

  • .Donuts
    82 months ago

    A trip down memory lane! Forklift battles are fun :D

    I was going to push for 120 but for some reason i guess my monitor can’t do that despite me being 100% sure it could. I even had it hooked up via DP.

    DP 1.2, perhaps? Either on your GPU or your monitor. 1.2 only goes up to 75hz at 4k, while 1.4 can do 120hz.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      12 months ago

      I’m thinking it’s the monitor. I think i was just referring to the wrong manual for a newer version of mine when looking at it. I’m a bit disappointed, but I’ve lived this long without 120hz, i can live a while longer

    32 months ago

    Oh, yeah. Reach is worth finishing.

    There’s some great stuff.

    Spoilers for Reach
    • I personally found it very satisfying that the mission leading up to a space battle actually then includes participating in the space battle, and it’s fun. Most games would cutscene past what the game engine couldn’t handle, or would include a barely playable space battle. The one in Reach was a nice surprise.
    • The cutscene after taking down the space station is easily among the top 10 video game cutscenes, for me. It may be the most Spartan thing ever Spartan-ed.
    • The end fight is pretty unique. I replayed it recently with my kid, and I was amused by the respect it earned with him. I can’t even put it in a spoiler tag, though.
    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      12 months ago

      i’ve heard good things about the ending fight. I’m really excited to get too it. I wish i hadn’t spoiled it for myself years ago though

        2 months ago

        I wish i hadn’t spoiled it for myself years ago though

        For what it’s worth, I read the book the game was based on, before playing the game, so I knew

        (vague nature of a Reach spoiler)

        how the ending would go ::: in advance, but it still works great, even when spoiled. The game really earns it, so it works even if it’s not a surprise.

        But that’s why I still can’t even include it inside a spoiler tag. Feels best to let folks find it themselves, who don’t already know.

  • Scott
    32 months ago

    You need to download the rest of the games in the settings while it’s open.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      12 months ago

      I had everything install while i was out today thankfully. I can safely say Halo 1-4 is all installed on my PC now

  • Vik
    32 months ago

    what a majestic game.

    noble even.

    check your vector.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      12 months ago

      Nothing too fancy, but certainly enough to get me by until i upgrade the GPU. I have a Ryzen 3700x i bought used, 32 GB of DDR4 RAM, a 1 TB NVME SSD and a 250 GB HDD, and a Radeon RX 7600 XT 16 GB. I planned it around having a bit of wiggle room to upgrade. The CPU is probably fine, but the GPU i want to upgrade eventually. Maybe not now, but someday