But if they speak english they aren’t immigrants, they are “expats”.
Ah, casual racism.
I hate the word expat for this exact reason.
When you’re overseas you’re a foreigner by definition, but they see this as a dirty word.
Funny side-note, when Chinese people are overseas speaking Chinese, they refer to local people as “foreigners”, which I think is an interesting language quirk. So instead of changing the words they use based on where they are (which I believe is the actual literal meaning of the word they use, “外国人” means "outside country person) they’re instead using it from the perspective of someone who is outside their national identity.
Disclaimer, I do not speak a high level of Chinese.
The incredible disconnect with the expat community that they are literally immigrants in a foreign country. Don’t visit the expat social groups if you don’t want to be pissed off.
The Telegraph that was heavily pro-brexit. It’s a shit newspaper, so extremely biased it’s derisorily called the Torygraph. It’s a tabloid newspaper in broadsheet clothes and continues to influence the opinions of it’s elderly readers.
The only good news is that said readers are dying off due to old age.
This is exactly the kind of article you’d expect them to write after promoting brexit. They are following the ABCs of shite journalism, “Always Be Grifting."
the ABCs of shite journalism, “Always Be Grifting."
C’mon, it was right there: “Always Be Conning”
“Never Don’t Be Flim-flamming.”
Yes, I’d like to purchase two shirts with this phrase
I’ll take a few as well. Size M.
Tea is for closers.
The only good news is that said readers are dying off due to old age.
I’ve been hearing this sentiment all of my 40ish years and yet here the world is.
I just read about them on Wikipedia. I wanted to see if they were a Murdoch rag and the answer is it’s not owned by Murdoch but it’s all the same garbage in terms of editorial content. They used to carry literal Chinese and Russian government propaganda and they almost got bought out by the UAE. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Telegraph#2023–2024_takeover_bid I hope that if they try selling again that it could be sold to someone who will turn it into an unbiased source of news.
I was happy about the GOP dying off due to old age, but then shit like PragerU created Gen Z Right Wingers…
The Telly is devoured by WHITE Brits who could never be lowly immigrants anywhere - they’re colonists!
The only ethical illegal immigration is MY illegal immigration!
Never forget Nige made sure his got theirs Charity starts at your home
They don’t hate illegal immigrants, they hate the poors
What part of “me” in the “thee rule” don’t you understand?
Rules for thee.
I love the irony of “not stopping determined British residents from crossing the channel” bit. Stop the boats! Stop the boats! Farage not up for a bit of target practice anymore?
90 day what now?
Article dated 9 July 2023. Clickbait