“Terredise” apparently can’t afford a permanent sign.
I don’t recall flamingos and palm trees in Indiana last time I was there. Has climate change turned it tropical?
There are plenty of flamingos on people’s lawns, but they generally appear to be made of plastic. Palm trees, not so much.
Terredise?!? Terredise nutz!
The only time I said “Terredise” when I was at school was with a face-melting level of sarcasm. I can’t believe the city actually ran with it as a motto lol.
Some places have restrictions on the size of installed signs. That’s why you see signs slapped on the side of buses, shopping containers, trailers, etc.
Not the case here. They’re just being cheap.
They’re really leaning into that slogan as well. I saw some of the other merch they are making and it’s all just awful. Someone probably made good money to come up with that.
Are you stuck here too? I do love that it’s next to the casino as if people will think that makes it a “Terredise.”
I sure am. I actually work at the casino so I’m lucky enough to see it every day.
I’m sorry.
Man, that angled photo-collage wordmark trend has really overstayed its welcome.
Hey Terredists! Terredise this!
Terridise nuts LMAO 🤣