Don’t worry. The fascist regime will be issuing counterfeit passes to anyone who wants one.
Really, it’s racist to say that only black people can use it. /s
Real talk, every time I go home, my parents throw the word around everywhere (In their home. They suck, but aren’t stupid). They justify it by saying “it’s just a trashy person of any color”. So I tell them to go ahead use it in public to see what the response is. I still don’t think they’ve tried it. At least not in any circles that will get them in an ass whooping situation
“There’s no right to free speech anymore. Damn wokeism.”
Father in-law was throwing it around like it was nothing last Thanksgiving and we haven’t been over since.
I don’t play that shit.
Every time he used it, “I’m not racist” was said soon after. Sure Dan-o, interesting word choice considering.
the venn diagram of people who say “I’m not racist” and actual racists is a circle
That’s a fantastic response/challenge.
Essentially: put your money where your mouth is.
Narrator: they didn’t.
they aren’t stupid
They are stupid as fuck. Your rich ass parents are racist idiots.
They aren’t rich. And tone it down
I will not. Your parents are racist idiots. You are rewarding them with a visit. So they put money directly in your account or do they press cash into your palm?
Now then: People have different definitions of rich/middle class. Depending on the person, let’s use me as an example. I will buy a house with a loan soon. I’m not even close to middle class. In fact I think our parents were the last of the middle class.
So they put money directly in your account or do they press cash into your palm?
How exactly did you get to this from ‘visiting parents’?
Are you that transactional?
Dude, chill the fuck out. You are directing a weird level of anger at SOMEONE ELSE’S PARENTS. Calm your ass down.
I hear that insane take from the same people that say BLM was Antifa’s terrorist movement.
Honestly they stole the word from white men, its just time for them to take back what rightfully belongs! /s
Already handing out rape passes, it’s only a matter of days.
It’s OK they will learn all sorts of new slurs from police, ICE, border patrol, people at Walmart
fuck man… I chuckled hard. but i willingly gave that up a few years ago… didn’t feel right growing up in the burbs.
I may have brain damage, but I can’t see this image without hearing Morpheus’ voice in my head screaming: “NEEOOOOO WAKE UP NEEEEOOO!”
Asked Dumbledore calmly
i lold
I think that’s the point
Sorry, I’m a latino, Mexicano, living in México, so I don’t really have the slightest idea of how did this happen. Can someone give it a try?
EDIT: While I appreciate all of your replies, I’m even more confused as I see people mentioning “hispanic americans” as a synonym for “latino”. This was an interesting read about the confusion. However, the reasons seem to be addressed against Hispanic Americans, but the meme os against Latinos. It feels a bit artificial or even prejudicial. Sorry for this edit, I’m not really sure about what I’m trying to say.
Hispanic Americans overwhelmingly voted to pull the ladder up behind them
Hispanic Americans are overwhelmingly working class, and (unlikely black people) don’t see themselves as a single unified minority group, so they don’t feel the sting of Republican racism pointed towards them.
Why doesn’t working class matter? Because such people generally aren’t as involved in following politics and policy type stuff as white collar folks. So they are swayed by other factors like masculinity signalling. This is obviously why Trump added Hulk Hogan, and of course standing up and pumping his fist after getting nicked in the ear by a terrible sniper helped too.
Hey, you do better!
Because such people generally aren’t as involved in following politics and policy type stuff as white collar folks. So they are swayed by other factors like masculinity signalling.
If only there was a party that had education about policies part of their ideology.
Mexico has been a tidal wave of leftist political energy. Its so funny to hear Mayo Americans complain about electing one of their own, after they turned out in droves for him.
Mayo Americans? Was that an autocorrect error or am I missing something?
Lemmi-nistas are out in full force pretending Kamala didn’t run a horrible campaign.
She offered nothing for working class and then refused to sit down with Rogan.
Rogan is a slime sucking dumbass. Why would anyone give that fuck the time of day?
As much as I hate the guy he has a broad reach but I don’t think it would have changed a damn thing if she sat with him.
If she smoked a fat one that took some of that corporate frost out of her I’d take a second look.
What tf kind of priorities are you voting on?
Weed, apparently.
I was a never Trump. It was a minor miracle that we got Biden to step down. I accepted that Harris was the best we could do. I kept my mouth shut when she said she was pro fraking. I kept my mouth shut when she didn’t condemn Israel. I kept my mouth shut when she cozied up to Dick and Liz Cheney. Harris and the DNC have lost the fucking plot and if she went off script on the Rogan show and offered her true opinions that would have been inspirational. Fuck, even Obama’s very active endorsement couldn’t save her.
What matters is - he’s got huge mostly Republican audience and she could have used it to raise ideas.
For free.
That’s a law in this country - platform must be provided to both parties and she didn’t take her chance.
This just emphasizes that she was a bad candidate and she can’t talk without teleprompter.
That law only applied to broadcast television, not cable or Internet stuff fyi.
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that was a fraud proposal. dems would have never been able to pass it and they know it.
just like student loans - it would have been killed in congress or senate.
The idea behind such proposals - is then democrats could just blame republicans “see - we tried it, but those GOP mean sunova bitches”.
but dont even worry about it. kamala or not - you would have never seen this money.pathetic McDonald’s stunt
but it worked. the stunt worked.
i am just amazed democrats couldnt come up with similar thing.FFS - kamala could have setup a lemonade stand near some factory and talked to workers.
She could have worked in a soup kitchen one day and do small talk with homeless people - media would eat that up.or offer some new policies from Bernie playbook - like mandatory vacations and single payer medical.
instead - all we got was complete and utter lack of initiative. lazy ass dem leadership is completely useless
FFS - kamala could have setup a lemonade stand near some factory and talked to workers. She could have worked in a soup kitchen one day and do small talk with homeless people - media would eat that up.
Raising a billion dollars in a matter of months and then pissing it away just as quickly, so you can lose in a landslide, with nothing material left behind that anyone might have been proud of.
We do it every couple of years, and it always feels like such a fucking waste.
I’ve been waiting since quite some time before the election for you to tell me which of the four options Hoosiers should have voted for in 2024.
Weird that you won’t answer.
Maybe you forgot the options and the fact that candidates have to declare themselves as write-ins, but no one did so that was not an option.
Here they are:
I’m sure you’ll answer this time and not look like you’ve been here dishonestly, in bad faith for months.
tell me which of the four options Hoosiers should have voted for in 2024.
Vote Your Conscience. Unfortunately, the only person on the list who isn’t genocidal appears to be Chase Oliver.
Weird that you won’t answer.
Weird you didn’t ask until after the election.
Chase Oliver
Got it. You think that people should vote for a person who was to the right of Trump that wants to dismantle the whole safety net. So I guess we all know where you stand politically now.
Weird you didn’t ask until after the election.
That is a lie. I asked you multiple times before the election.
But then I guess lying is the stock and trade of the far right.
FUCK JOE ROGAN. He is a dipshit. You are too for listening to him seriously.
The problem Is that he is a dipshit a lot of people listen to. And Kamala had a chance to reach those people and try to change their ideas or at least make them aware of her ideas, but she refused so they never had a chance to begin with
He is a dipshit with a huge audience who seems to always blindly agree with whoever he’s talking to.
She can’t talk - that’s the problem.
Democrats hiding Biden condition until he had to drop out - is the problem.
Democrats not holding quick primaries when Biden dropped out - is the problem.
Democrats running Clinton in 2016 - is the real problem. If Biden had run back then he would have likely won and Trump would never have tried again after that. He would’ve been humiliated.
After this election, I agree. America is too immature to elect a woman.
too immature to elect a woman.
this is the preachy rhetoric that got Trump elected.
as a voter - i don’t give 2 shits if president is a man or a woman, I want the most qualified person who will give me the most of my interests.
most people would get extremely annoyed when they are told to vote for a woman in order to be considered “mature”. wtf. seriously?she was a weak candidate, couldn’t talk and offered nothing for the working class
Clinton in 1992 buddy. It’s neo liberalism all the way down.
Neo liberalism is Reaganomics but for Democrats and Obama ran his entire 8 years on it.
Biden at least did a little bit of progressive things before Manchin and Sienema threw their clogs into the gears. They should have been threatened to be primaried THEN. Not after holding the Senate hostage until the midterms flipped the house.
Refusing to sit down with Broprah is something to be admired. Not admonished.
and then refused to sit down with Rogan
Yes, that was the end of her campaign for sure, not sitting down and chatting with the must gullible, misogynistic meathead alive.
I imagine it would have gone something like this.
Yeah there would’ve been no defending this if it happened. Rogan controls the mics and would do whatever he could to end her campaign right there. Maga would post all over X (with Elon’s amplification) that she got “owned” as Rogan shouted over her her, and the left would be angry that she appeared on his show in the first place. It would have been a pure loss.
Who gives a damn, it’s Republican listeners base is what is important.
She can’t handle those high pressure meetings makes her a bad candidate. I mean the whole reason she was even running is Biden assigned her by decree, she would have never won in the fair primaries and that’s what Democrats should have done.Did you even listen to the audio where he was just yelling over the lady and didn’t ever give her a chance to say anything?
Do you think that would have been in any way productive?
I did listen and while Rogan is unbearable to me, I do think a presidential candidate can’t say no to an invitation to someone with this reach. If the interview were to be like your link, that would have helped Harris in the end, in my opinion. It’s Joe Rogan the one acting like an idiot here, not the caller. Even if his audience may love him, I don’t know, the population that do not have any attachment for the guy would stand on Harris’ side.
So what? It’s 3 hours, I’m sure she would have been able to get something out. Rogan is not stupid, he understands the difference between random lady and a potencial commander in chief . She should have gone to Infowars while she’s at it, I’m not joking. Step out of your comfort zone and reach the audience you don’t typically reach.
Dems should stop being such a pussies
Rogan is not stupid
Hard disagree.
He does this yelling stunts to entertain his audience. They like that, - that’s the format.
It’s not stupid on his end - clearly he makes millions from it.Raw Republican audience she could have easily reached and talked about things they care about - jobs, working class needs.
Considering how many previous Dem voters stayed home, trying to play to moderate RINOs she’d have never gotten anyway was clearly not the right play
The Democratic campaign underestimated just how stupid, racist, and misogynistic the average US citzen is. Don’t get me wrong, they should’ve known and definitely could’ve ran a better campaign, but this is mostly on Americans being too dumb to know what’s best for them.
I personally don’t blame any minorities, considering white men and women were by far the most prominent Trump voters. The US is a country of racist dumbasses.
Oh right, because Trump ran the most amazing campaign ever!
He did some smart non standard stunts like macdonalds
That was staged, he never actually worked at all. Harris had actually been an employee there previously. No idea why the campaign didn’t take that obvious win, but to call it a smart stunt for Trump is asinine
Ofc it was staged for many reasons such as security.
And guess what - none of it matters. His supporters not gonna investigate that, they saw a picture that improved his standing with the working class and it worked.How many Latino votes he pulled just by frying fries?
Ffs Kamala could have done similar stunt - worked in a fake soup kitchen, or something
If your vote was won by a guy pretending to make fries when he specifically says he wants to deport people like you, you’re a walking argument against democracy as a concept
U win any way u can.
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With you on the first line, but sitting down with Rogan would not have changed anything. Especially with Rogans preferential treatment of right wing figures if anyone’s been paying attention. But the DNC 100% fucked up.
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You lose 100% of chances not taken.
I think she could have went to the show and talked about what’s important to working people
She offered nothing for working class and then refused to sit down with Rogan.
One of these is unforgiveable. But also, after liberals went absolutely apeshit over Bernie sitting down with Rogan, I can see why Harris was hesitant.
I also remember when people were very excited about student debt relief and an increased min wage and the Green New Deal jobs program and finally putting an end to Kids In Cages and Gitmo and the ugly foreign wars and… Oops.
But also, after liberals went absolutely apeshit over Bernie sitting down with Rogan, I can see why Harris was hesitant.
She did literally every other thing she could to court Republicans in the past two months and didn’t care that it pissed off a chunk of her base, why stop there? (OTOH it won her zero R votes, so there’s that. I’m sure they won’t try THAT tactic again. /s)
Yup, lets just keep pointing fingers so we never learn anything.
Liberals are literally scapegoating minorities instead of criticizing the DNC.
Pointing the finger and learning nothing? Like I said?
They’re agreeing with you.
Yes, exactly.
Even though if it was up to minorities Trump would not have been elected
Majority of white women voted Trump
Latino men how dare you!!!
“When you point a finger you have three pointing at you”
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“I’m 14 and this is deep”?
So, can college educated whites say it?
When they stop pretending to be offended on behalf of minority groups…
Actually I’m not qualified to even joke about that.
This is how you divide your competition.
Yeah fuck minorities! It’s their fault the democrats lost and no one else’s, least of all the democrats themselves!
So exhausted of the minority bashing on lemmy and other leftist/alternative social media, it was here before but it got way worse after the election. Anybody who thinks its ok to judge an entire population of peoples based on the political associations of some is fucking stupid and can fuck right off.
Lol. Have you seen people on Lemmy talking about “conservatives” or “Republicans” this is literally Lemmy’s only way of thinking.
One of the reasons why I took a break from Lemmy for election week is I stopped being able to tell Hasbera from Democrats. In fact, the Hasbera are still trolling on Lemmy and reddit, blaming Palestinians for Harris’s lost.
We have been arguing Democrats are a party without a people for a long time. At this point, I honestly feel anything I type is lost to the void
It’s incredibly infuriating. And the worst part is you already see democrat mainstream media types setting their crosshairs on trans people. In 2028, the democratic party will run on the 2024 republican platform, just like they ran on the 2020 republican platform today, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it, because of these idiotic shitlibs.
Sorry for replying so late. If the Democrats come out of this thinking only conservatives vote; it’s simply a sign we require (not simply want) a different party.
They voted to be deported. I won’t cry over that. Fuck around and find out.
Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds. Which group are you going after next? Trans people? Jews?
If anyhing, it’s fucking hilarious, and they deserve to be laughed at. Maybe you won’t do dumb shit next time if you’re scared it’ll be used to make you look bad
Nonblacks have never had an n-word pass. It’s never ok.
Actually my cousin’s friend Jeremy gave me a one-time pass as long as I don’t tell his mom he threw rocks into Ms. Jones’s garden, but aside from that I agree.
Did your cousin’s friend Jeremy offer it unprompted or did you ask for that?
It was unprompted, though technically you could describe it as “under duress”, your honor.
Fun Fact: The n-word was used against anyone with dark enough skin, including Latinos, Indians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
It’s kind of wild as a modern American reading people like Rudyard Kipling and having him just drop a casual n-word about Indians, honestly.
I’ve heard it said in person more by hispanics and pacific islanders than I’ve heard it from black or white people.
People saying it does not mean they have a pass.
They sure seem to think they have one.
What they think is irrelevant and you know it.
Yeah, and? I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I’m just saying that it happens. No one ever seems to call out non-whites for saying it, so they’ll continue to.
I’m given to understand that Quentin Tarantino was given one by Samuel L Jackson, personally.
Man… when I lived in Los Angeles. Latinos hated blacks, it surprised me - I heard some crazy shit that made me look like ಠ_ಠ
Gangs are no laughing matter
Didn’t black males vote Trump too?
Just the zoomers with brain rot. Black voters went from like 90% to 80% Democrats.
You’re probably confused because some headline said Trump doubled his support among black men and it didn’t mention the baseline was 15%. Which is, ya know, fucking stupid of them in the first place but it is what it is.
The shift is kind of what’s important. Actual black woman Kamala Harris couldn’t maintain the same level of support among black voters as Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden. There are some pretty severe flaws in Harris’s campaign strategy that we need to study and rectify in the next four years.
Genuinely, what do you think she could specifically do to capture more of a demographic like that?
I’m not a political scientist, so these words carry no weight. That being said, she needed to convince people to vote for her, but she spent her whole campaign trying to convince people not to vote Trump. She needed stronger policy proposals. She needed to run on something like Medicare for all or raising the minimum wage. Ignore Trump entirely, and convince people to vote for her.
Instead, she promised more of the same that we’ve had for the last four years, in a time when most people are struggling more than they have in their entire lives. To the majority of voters, any change is perceived as an improvement, even if it’s a profoundly retarded change like introducing 100% tariffs on every import.
Anyone who was not voting against Trump by default shouldnt be voting at all. I dont blame her for expecting to operate in a world of sanity
Anyone who was not voting against Trump by default shouldnt be voting at all.
They didn’t vote, and that’s why we lost. We can absolutely blame her for not knowing what the landscape was like. Her goal was to win an election, not make her supporters feel good and smart and special. The people who don’t vote for us by default are actually the exact people that we need to persuade to vote for us
If she was campaigning based on how the world should work instead of how the world works then she wasn’t playing by the rules of the game, and that’s her fault, no one else’s. It’s like complaining about the EC after an election. The EC is part of the game. Part of the mechanics, part of the rules. If you know it’s there going into the game, you ought to be playing a very different game than someone who doesn’t know it exists.
(The EC should be removed, to be clear, but you don’t run a presidential election pretending it’s not there, and you don’t run a presidential election you want to win without expecting to sell voters on yourself by some metric other than not being your opponent.)
And yes, since it seems you have to say this as part of every such comment now, I voted for her. But she and her campaign are absolutely not blameless in this outcome.
Man, The Onion really called this one:
What’s this about?
Scapegoating minorities.