You’re forgetting the part where on her deathbed, she doesn’t think about her husband she spent decades with, or her children, or her family at all. She thinks about a random homeless guy she fucked as a rebellious teen.
Absolute cinema.
My friend convinced a 45 yr old pharmacist to divorce her husband and leave her family. He dumped her right after.
Jesus. That’s how you end up on an episode if Dateline.
You don’t even know the half of it.
Honestly that’s pretty funny.
At least she throws a priceless diamond necklace into the sea to honour all the poor people that died
I remember thinking she had dropped it on accident and felt bad for her when I first saw it as a kid. She made a little “oh!” with a look of what I thought was surprise
Who is that person? 🤔
At the time titanic came out, romcoms really hit peak it seems. And i watched a bunch of them. Being 14, i had no idea about life in general, and always assumed people get married some time after the movie ends and they found each other. In most movies it’s fucking ridiculous. You watch two people fall in love who realistically talked to each other for an hour in real time.
Technically, he froze to death.
Technical there was room for two on that door
Everyone is all “actually it would be impossible” like this bitch did math before telling the guy to go fuck himself.
Only if they both had the knowledge and frame of mind to engi her flotation devices from the life vest rose was wearing. Otherwise the door would have sunk enough for them to freeze to death before rescue came. Provides they knew rescue was coming after a certain time.
Considering one was a socialite, and the other a freelance artist, and both had just almost been killed multiple times… no, I don’t think they would have had the foresight to come up with the exact scenario that would have saved them both.
No there wasnt.
Room for 2? Maybe. Buoyancy for 2? No.
There is a Mythbusters episode on this. Rose literally and figuratively fucked Jack.
I don’t recall the full episode but a few things stood out.
- it would be cold as hel, so properly strapping a lifevest around some flotsam seems iffy
- isn’t saltwater more buoyant or is that old fishwife’s tale? Also idk if that test body of water is salty.
Yep, saltwater has more buoyancy, and the higher the salinity, the more buoyant the water.
Yep, saltwater has more buoyancy, and the higher the salinity, the more buoyant the water.
Only if they had the knowledge and abilities (and time to come up with a plan) of two people whose job it is to come up with exactly this kind of thing.
Sure, it was possible. That doesn’t make it probable.
“Climb on the door” seems like something within their knowledge and abilities.
I take it you didn’t actually watch the mythbusters episode, then. If they both just climbed on the door they would have both died. They would have had to jury-rig a contraption using the life-preserver Rose was wearing to survive… barely.
It would somewhat undermine the core of their narrative being a tragedy within a larger tragedy though.
Cameron tested this. There was room for both on the door, but only in a very specific orientation could they both stay dry. And because she was wearing more clothes than he was, even if Jack makes it out of the water, he’s still hypothermic and won’t survive.
Edit: It’s a NatGeo doc called “Titanic: 25 years later.” They’re in a pool that’s 56 degrees F. You can find it on streaming someplace, but here’s a clip.
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If you watch Titanic in reverse it’s about a sad lady floating on a door who idly fishes a cute boy out of the ocean and brings him onto a big fancy steamship that has conveniently sprouted up over by an iceberg, where they have steamy no-strings vacation sex until they split up because they each find new boyfriends on the ship they’d rather go to Europe with.
A much better movie!
I also wasted an entire ship’s manhours and fuel to look for something I had in my pocket all along.
The precious
I saw that movie with my dad, who spent years reading about the Titanic because he took an interest in it for some reason.
I’m not sure which one of us hated that movie more.
I’m glad that people are looking back on it these days and realizing it was just not a good movie.
If you want to see a good Titanic movie, check out A Night to Remember, made in the UK in 1958. Sure, it won’t have the dazzling special effects. It also doesn’t have a stupid as fuck plot.
I don’t understand how either of you would be upset watching the movie. The rich girl slept with a homeless guy, and then she let him drown.
It’s movie magic
That, and I have a memory of my father saying something along the lines of, “why were we supposed to care about those two fictional people when there were real people on the Titanic?” I do not disagree.
The entire movie was a build up to the guy hitting the propellers.
I wonder if you could edit Jack and Rose out of the movie and make it good?
That’s an interesting idea. I’d like to know the result, too.
Gotta keep all of Billy Zanes scenes though.
Maybe add a walk-off and a handful of male models
But why male models?
How about a super short but also super high budget edutainment show?
If you want to see a good Titanic movie, check out A Night to Remember, made in the UK in 1958. Sure, it won’t have the dazzling special effects. It also doesn’t have a stupid as fuck plot.
Did it have a dude bouncing off a propeller while emitting the Wilhelm Scream? I didn’t think so.
If you take out the Jack/Rose love story and add some of the Californian’s scenes and a bit in the wireless room, you could edit Cameron’s Titanic down to a pretty good remake of A Night to Remember. He was clearly influenced by it, some scenes are lifted straight from the ANtR narrative even though they are known to be inaccurate (Andrews in the first class smoking room, Smith on the bridge as the ship goes down come to mind).
I like the Cameron Titanic, actually. The love story notwithstanding, it’s well worth watching for his attention to detail. The reconstruction of the ship was meticulous, and with a few notable exceptions for dramatic license, the account of the sinking is quite accurate (for the information we had at the time - we now know the breakup is incorrect, but at the time it was the best theory) and contains quite a few easter eggs for Titanic nerds. (like me)
That said… I love A Night to Remember and watch it every year on the anniversary of the sinking. The book is well worth reading, too. Walter Lord assembled his narrative based on correspondence with as many survivors as he could reach - often verbatim as they told it, and it’s really a riveting read.
Funny, I recommended A Night to Remember elsewhere in this post as a far better film.
Anyway, I agree with you on the detail. It was very impressive. I just won’t sit through the film to watch it when I can watch A Night to Remember, even if they didn’t know certain details, like the ship splitting in half.
Yeah, I haven’t actually sat down to watch the 1997 Titanic in a long time, for that reason. A Night to Remember exists. 1997 Titanic breaks in half, but in the wrong place, so they’re both wrong about it ;)
The breakup theory is incorrect? So the ship didn’t split in half?
Did no one ever go down there before the movie was made, or did it break under water?
No, it did split in half. It just didn’t reach such a steep angle before it did. There’s two great videos by Oceanliner Designs that go in-depth on what the movie got wrong, as well as what likely actually happened during the breakup.
What the movie got wrong An analysis of the breakup
There also a video that goes more indepth on what the movies got wrong in general.
Any video with 30s clip showing the realistic sinking of the ship? Don’t want to watch a 20 minute video right now.
You could easily just skip ahead in the videos.
Being a huge nerd on certain topics tend to ruin the fun of watching movies.
True, but I was not a nerd on the topic. I just thought it was stupid to shoehorn a boring forbidden love subplot into a movie about the most famous fucking ship sinking of all time as if that alone wasn’t dramatic enough.
What about Noah’s Ark? What about the Argo?
What about the U.S.S. Enterprise?
I’m not talking about fictional ships.
Also, the Ark famously did not sink.
Then the Bismarck, the Marat or the Yamato? Or Space Battleship Yamato?
Yes? In fact, I haven’t even heard of the Marat.
Also, none of those ships have this many movies about them:
I was joking around.
That said, I think there are an infinite amount of films about the Yamato in Japan.
Also, there are no Swedish power metal songs about the Titanic, but there is at least one about the Bismarck and the Dreadnought.
Also, the Dreadnought named a whole ship class internationally.
The Argo isn’t fictional. It was a prominent part of the Hellenic religion’s myths. People believed in it.
People believed and still believe in a lot of fictional things.
I’m not sure why you think “people believed in it” is an argument for the existence of anything. You’re even calling it a myth yourself. You might look up the meaning of that word.
Gender is also a myth. You might as well argue Socrates wasn’t a famous man, because maleness is a myth.
Argo fuck yourself (speaking of bad movies).
Keep that made up Bible shit out of God’s house (Lemmy)
The titanic is far better as an engineering failure story.
I mean, if I was gonna drown, I wouldn’t mind hooking up beforehand. Just saying.
But would you take the time to be a nude artist’s model?
How cold is the pool water?
So romantic!
titanic movie’s story :)
The movie Titanic by James Cameron. It was very highly regarded, but the plot is a woman in her deathbed recounting how she is spending her final moments thinking about a random homeless dude she fucked as a teen and then let drown, instead of her children or husband or…literally anything else.
Yes, please guys. Always wear context.
Did we watch the same movie? He tries to get on but it can’t hold both of them. That happens in the movie.
Even if the door could technically hold them both, Jack didn’t want to risk Rose’s safety by trying to climb on and weighing it down more. Dude was fucked regardless I think, skinny little guy in the icy water, forget it. Maybe if Jack had been played by Jack black, his thick body would have protected him
It’s kind of a braindead meme that people use who think they are smarter than they actually are. You can fit an elephant on a door, that doesn’t mean it has enough buoyancy to carry it.
It’s like that reddit thing where people said that in karate kid, daniel is actually the bad guy and the villain of the movie is the good guy, because they saw a video of a guy who took clips out of context. Okay so you’re an expert now on a movie that you clearly haven’t seen.
I think it’s also people remembering the visual and not the dialogue. They remember it happening but don’t remember Jack trying to get on and it starting to sink. So when they see memes about it they’re like “yeah wtf was up with that!”
The karate kid bad guy thing was also a major plot for the TV show.
If Jack had survived, they would never have worked anyways. You can’t just pick up a homeless guy and make him your husband in high society, and she never would have survived being poor with him. They would have just ended up fat and old together, living in a shitty tenement building, eating boiled cabbages and yelling at each other while their 20 kids run around the ones bedroom apartment
They came from a time where they weren’t as likely to end up fat.
the weirdest prequel to Johnny Dangerously ever
I’ve never watched the movie but people have definitely gotten inheritance while marrying into a “lower class” before
Genuinely thought this was going to be a political meme about Jill Stein until I clicked
I can feel it coming in the air tonight.
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