No music, no images… two things that have defined Human culture for millennia. The Taliban must really love leading a miserable existence.
Just wait for the exceptions for “spiritual leaders” and government officials.
As long as it means they can control others, they are happy.
Well, not happy as such
The Republican party is salivating at the thought
Well, I know less about music, but iconoclasm is a pretty traditional feature of Islam. That’s why they have all the crazy geometrical art everywhere.
And the Afghans have had music and art since forever, well after their conversion to Islam. The taliban are freaks.
No media coverage is good
Removed by mod
Yeah, sending troops to Israel sure helps Hamas. Wanting Israel to stop killing innocents and children sure is wanting Hamas to be in charge. Try harder next time
Oh, look the mods being Hamas apologists again.
Imagine living in 1940’s Europe and saying the sentence “oh, look, it’s the Zionist apologists again” when someone criticised the Nazis.
No, no. I’m not arguing you in anything. Just take 10 seconds and imagine that scenario as vividly as you can.
Look, someone acting in bad faith again
Make sure that mountain is free of any trees before taking that scenic picture.
This essentially bans all photography - it’s fucking weird.
Afghan Art exhibition:
Here’s a picture of a brick.Afghan religious leader:
Should we execute him? Just to be safe you know!Was there a fly on the brick?
Also, where are we on the matter of fungi?
And what about bacteria? Hope they disinfect the brick beforehand.
And viruses? Do viruses live?
Quick, check the ancient religious texts for guidance on viruses.
See, that’s what we need to settle the debate about the biological status of viruses. A fatwa.
Maybe they can decide between tabs and spaces next.
Ah yes, I guess we better execute him, the whole thing smells fishy, like an attempt to oppose authority.
“Smells fishy?” Are you evoking imagery of a living thing with your analogy?
Get them - err, I mean get that thing which may or may not be a person… but, if they are currently a person, I’m sure it’s just a very temporary condition.
What if my own blasphemous eyes and mind keep creating images of living things?
Goddammit I’m just trying to keep us safe from immorality! Or worse questioning authority. 😋
Bacteria, spores, and other microscopic life are in every picture taken of the natural world at a minimum.
Well… On Earth…
Didn’t you know you can grow concrete?
Nah, you just have to photoshop X eyes and a stuck out tongue on every living thing. They didn’t say anything about dead things.
I wonder where the limit is.
Like is it just photos or all depictions? If it’s all depictions, how far does it go? Will certainly combinations of letters be banned? :O :P :) \o/
If so, will kanji be banned as well? We Lemmings all know this one by now
:.|:;And I don’t know any actual kanji but I do know lots of their origins are depictions of living things, plants, animals, people.
I assume that guy on the poster is dead, then?
I bet you’re not allowed to picture dead people either …
Might have bacteria in that photo.
At this point, Do they even “believe” in microorganisms?
Zombies & Vampires only.
I really, really wish the linked article explained more. What are they playing at? This is such a confusing level of control.
It’s a radical religious thing. Images are imperfect imitations of God’s perfect work, therefore, they are blasphemy.
Okay but what about the image cast on our retinas through our eyeballs that we use to see?
Those are imperfect imitations of reality also. What’s their stance on those images…
Nonono that was all made by G. O. D.
What if you sneak around Afghanistan whispering “Don’t think of an elephant!” to people? Are they in trouble?
No no no
You’re in trouble
For making us all think impure thoughts
But apparently written religious works or talking about god’s work is perfect, or that would be banned too.
Why only images of sentient beings though? Did God not create the rest of it too?
I knew someone who believed that it sucks the soul out of you if you get photographed…
God doesn’t want you to mix fabrics or eat certain foods on certain days. “Confusing level of control” is on brand.
It’s not about making sense though. It’s about making you do what they want so that you know who is in control.
Not mixing fabrics and certain food practices were originally based on lived experience, like safety guidance, before getting coopted by religion. Kosher practices avoid cross contamination, and mixed fabrics could have something to do with temperature regulation in desert areas where it swings between extreme heat and cold daily. Or it could have existed to discourage lying about prodict quality by those who would sneak in poor quality materials.
When religion got ahold of these concepts they were absolutely twisted into controlling people.
Sorry, not eating meat on Friday is a “lived experience food safety practice?”
You are mistaking the Catholic practice of Lent (not eating meat on Friday) with the Jewish Kosher practice of not mixing dairy with meat (possible cross contamination?).
Wut? How am I possibly mistaking anything?
These are not rules of Islam though. On the contrary Islam made many rules of Judaism obsolete, taking away complication in religion. Islam also provided a much clearer theology than Christianity and specifically rejects the “trinity”, “holy people” and other concepts contrary to the oneness of god.
What the Taliban and other Salafi/Wahabi people do, is quite fringe and it is infuriating that the Brits and later the Americans helped the Saudis to seize power in Arabia and furthered these extremist interpretations.
Isn’t Ramadan part of mainstream Islam?
Ramadan does not have rules about what to eat. The rules are when to eat and quie straightforward. During Ramadan you fast from Dawn till sunset, unless fasting poses a risk to your health (sick, children, elderly, pregnant…)
Oh well that makes complete sense and isn’t about control at all!
As someone who has fasted for Ramadan the first time this year i can assure you, that nobody was controlling me except myself. While i also felt it to help me physically, it helped me a lot mentally.
I learned to appreciate the abundance of food and water we have and to have more compassion for people lacking it.
I also learned to have more control over my body and differentiate between actual needs and mere wants.
All religious practices are ridiculous. Some are just more damaging than others.
taliban’s oppression is not a rabbit hole you want to go down
Project 2025 energy.
This is more like project 2077 energy here, amiright
So… TV news will just be text on a screen?
I suppose TV wouldn’t make much sense under those circumstances.
But they still have TV, right? They did the last time the Taliban was in charge. I remember a news segment about it way back when the war started. The programming was mostly a bunch of religious stuff and their idea of news. So I guess no more news? Or no more TV? Or just text…
The russian way is to set up extremely restrictive laws covering everyone as guilty, so a governing body can use them to charge everyone they want. I guess, talibs learnt some of that wisdom visiting Kremlin while being a designated terrorist organization here, kek - and this status would get lifted in coming months.
I wonder if animation will filll the gaps.
Does Afghanistan even have people able to do the volume of animation that would require?
Or I suppose it could just be little 5 second loops or whatever. One or two people could do that.
Edit: Oh! They can do it all with puppets! The Afghanistan Muppet News Night!
I regret to inform you that animations are images
That’s accurate to historical Islamic practice, unlike a lot of their crazy shit, but nobody else does it because it’s going to be insanely difficult to work with.
Except historically the arts flourished under Islamic rule. While Islam does have an anti icon streaks it was never enforced save for the depiction of the prophet Mohammad.
I think it’s an oversimplification to say that it was never enforced:
Yeah, they were big on arts (and had the civilisation to actually sponsor a lot of it) but with a strong bent towards geometric and abstract art, and calligraphy. Y’know, like mosques are famously covered in.
They also had a thing for water features and gardens, which are the actual articles instead of mere depictions. I’m wondering now if they had much in the way of zoos.
Fundies gonna fundie
Fuck’s sake.
Obviously I’m not pro Taliban or this, but one thing that has been amusing me has been the US institute for peace decrying the fact that they outlawed poppy production again because it increases poverty. Western media on the subject is a mixture of it’s bad and it won’t work (they’ve actually reduced poppy production by over 90 percent though). Pre war we were justifying sanctions due to heroin production, post war it actually increased under American administration and the fragile kleptocracy we encouraged(which “banned” poppy production), and now it’s bad they’re slashing and burning poppy fields.
So just kill everything before taking the picture.
Now it’s just a bunch of religious fascists trying to one up each other.
Give it enough time and they have implemented so many rules, no rule is relevant any more
Sad that we live in a world where I couldn’t tell what country you were talking about just by reading your comment.
Are you Taliban and want someone dead, but frustrated with your fundamentalist movement’s pesky adherence to the rule of law? Upset at the heretic you can’t quite get proof of? Overbearing parents trying to arrange another marriage?
With new Taliban Ban on Images of Living Things®, you are back in the driver’s seat. Just take a picture of your target. After it’s done, the authorities will be practically begging you to murder that person to prevent the inevitable consequences, including the collapse of society and the rending of the fabric of space-time.
Give them enough time, they’re going to bar eating and basic survival instincts. Whatever those are to them.