This is exactly why we should have 4 day work weeks. Especially when you replace “shop” with “doctor’s office”
Doctor? Why would employers want you to see a doctor? If you make it to retirement age they have to pay that out and miss out on a cheaper replacement!
What you need are good laws, not so much a 4 day work week. I just go to the doctor during office hours and tell my employer I have to go. I even get paid time off for it, like everyone else working in this country. Same for the dentist or any other kind of medical thing.
Sure, it’s not always optimal if you work in some sort of shift, but they are required to make sure you can go.
By the way, not that I wouldn’t appreciate a 4 day work week, but this seems like a bit of a stretch to say that this is the reason why you would need one.
Yup. This is the way.
But I live and work in the US which means I have no paid days off at all and even if I tell them I have something to do they can call me to tell me to work and be upset if I don’t immediately come to the aid.
I really wish we just believed in reasonable work life balance but I will accept a shorter work week but that’s just gonna go to the upper classes only again.
So 4 day work week for you, but 5 day work week for everyone else you would want to visit on Friday?
Nah, we should have different days off, duh. Let me have Wednesdays off, some peeps can have Fridays.
Actually, I would prefer to have weekdays off instead of weekends, easier to focus with less people at work.
I’ve had this conversation with the lady at the really good deli down the road from me! When I occasionally have a rare chance to go in there she says “we never see you anymore!” And I have to always remind her they only serve lunch from 11am to 3pm, my work starts at 11 and my lunch break is at 330 lol
This. If you work during the day anywhere around my town you have a good 30 minutes to do shopping before all the stores close at 4:30.
Never understood those hours, they lock out more than half of their potential customers
They want time to do stuff to.
That’s when they should introduce a second shift instead of just having one shift and one set of staff.
Ah, but you see, they would have to pay them
Then you have to pay for double the employee hours. And you may not necessarily make double the profit in doing so.
Oh, none of this matters soon anyways. We’re all being replaced with AI and robots. None of us are going to have jobs, or money, or ability to pay for rent. Better buy a really really nice tent soon. That’s going to be your home!
Username checks out I guess?
You could also take a shift off, just like they would need to to go to your place of work, since they likely have the same hours.
So they need to go out of their way, but not you? The double standards of entitled people are hilarious.
Not to mention business hour limitations from bylaws, not always profitable to be open… lots of factors people ignore, but let’s talk about them now shall we?
They don’t need to take a shift off to come to my place of work because I work on an office where the customers are people doing their job.
And if they needed to take a shift off to come to my place of work, it would only be because they work at the same hours as I do. If they worked different hours they wouldn’t need to take a shift off.
Taking a shift off every time you need to shop (at least once per week) isn’t moving mountains?
What crawled up your ass?
People who expect others to move mountains, but won’t move pebbles themselves.
What’s wrong with their hours, but your identical ones are fine?
We can’t control our work hours for the most part, a business owner can.
And then you wonder why people shop at Big Box stores and Amazon. It’s not JUST their anticompetitive practices
What is the point of opening a store if you’ll only keep it open for 4 hours every other day? Is it really moving a mountain to expect a business owner to invest extra time and staffing into their stores? For fucks sake if you think its so much effort to be open another 30 minutes then why the fuck are you open at all?
You’re also just demonizing one form of laziness while protecting another. You’re clearly extremely biased and arguing with you anymore than this is pointless
all the grocery stores around me stopped being 24 hours so now i can never get anything after work except taco bell
I wish 24 hours was a thing again, my fiancee gets out at 12:00 and there is literally nothing open unless you want to drive an hour. Honestly i’d work a graveyard shift too, love the night
I’m of two minds. I love the convenience of 24/7, but we were JUST THERE. we saw just how much the corpos will demand in order to keep staffing for all 24 hours. People need time off, and they deserve for it to be consistent and “normal”. That doesn’t happen if the corporations have a say in a 24 hour shift.
I’d love to see expanded hours not being 24/7, but having different start times. No reason every shop has to open at 6am, some can open at 6, some at 8, some 10, etc, and with a similarly staggered closing time, we can have the convenience of having things open when we’re available, and not have every minute of our lives scheduled by a corporation.
Obviously there is still a case for overnight shifts. Emergency work, for example. And we need some support for those people working in an industry that has to be always open. I don’t know that there’s a good solution to compromise on both situations without just an excessive amount of regulation.
Wait until you hear about banks lol
They open after everyone’s at work and close before anyone finishes work
Because fuck you, that’s whyBecause banks’ primary customer is not Joe Everyman who works a 9-5. Their primary customers are other companies. Your checking account is barely even a drop in the bucket compared to the billion dollar company that has five hundred accounts set up for their various incomes and expenses.
But the reason there is a local bank branch in your neighborhood isn’t for that one business owner nextdoor to deposit their brief case of cash at 11am
Isn’t it, though? I mean this as a genuine question. The alternatives are to either buy a safe or to have tons of cash in your register at the end of every day, so I could honestly see banks getting plenty of business for this purpose, but maybe I’m wrong about that.
That’s always been a hilarious part of French culture to me. Many of their cafes and sandwich shops are closed for lunch so their employees can go home to eat.
In what cafes and sandwich shop do you go to? I’ve never seen one that was closed during launch hours.
It’s getting rarer but there is some that only open in launch hours instead of the whole afternoon, restaurant can have some specific services hours. (And some cafes stop serving drinks while serving food.)
French culture is to eat at specific hours, so it would be almost impossible to serve food only outside those.
Anyone who works an office job should be able to set their own hours. I choose 6:30-2:30. I can still hit up local shops after. My colleague chooses 10-8 and shops before work. There’s no reason we can’t make this work.
For a lot of time, i thought the 12 hour clock was not that bad
Until i saw people excluding the AM/PM. What does 6:30-2:30 mean? Are you working -4 hours? Are you working from 18:30 to 2:30 or from 6:30 to 14:30? Why do people choose this time format?
Do we?
Adding 12 to a number isnt that hard
Neither is subtracting it. It appears we are at an impasse
Guessing if you need to subtract it is, however
Gee it’s 16:00, I wonder if I should subtract 12 to convert the time