There are drive thrus for ATMs?
You can get drive through married in the US. It’s literally a Mad Max society
I’m not doubting you, but that’s certainly less common than the drive through ATM
We also have drive through liquor stores
Where are they? I want to pull up with my homie and surprise him 🤫
Vegas I can say without actually looking it up.
In more than one way, and for any of the movies.
One of the culture shocks for me when I moved to the US.
Yes. Before there were ATMs (Yes, I’m old) there were drive-through tellers, and they were replaced with ATMs before there were walk-up ATMs. Then walk-ups were given extra terminals as walk traffic increased and drive-throughs were phased out, replaced with nearby short-term parking.
Here in the States, we 🩷💚🤎LOVE🤎💚🩷 our cars.
Why wouldn’t there be one?
What suprises me is that there isn’t a walk up ATM. Even in banks with multiple drive up ATMs there’s always at least one designed for people.
He may not know that in the US drive up atms are common. In other parts of the world they aren’t. I’ve never seen one here in colombia as an example of a country that doesn’t have them. All the atms here are inside the bank to dissuade theft.
My closest branch removed theirs a couple months ago. Only drivethrough now.
I once walked down to the local ice cream dispensary to get a cone of some type. But they were short-handed that day, and had closed the walk-up window. So I walked over to the drive-thru window.
They would not serve me without a car. Instead of closing the drive-thru and making drivers get out of their car, they closed the walk-up window, and wouldn’t serve any walk-ups at the drive-thru.
Fuck drive-thrus.
I hate drive-thrus even as a driver. The intercom is always garbage, the menu is always presented in some insane arrangement that’s makes it basically impossible to peruse, paying at the window is awkward, receiving your food through the window is awkward, checking to make sure your order is correct is awkward, and to top it all off it usually takes longer than just parking and walking inside.
It is baffling to me that anyone ever willingly uses a drive-thru.
AC (or heating) tho.
Like the establishment does not have ac or heating.
The street doesn’t!
Brcause those establishements usually make you park 2 km away and walk there
Bastards! How can they use kilometers?!
A Jack-In-The-Box in San Francisco (The Geary Street one) decided to keep its drive through open until midnight while the walk-in part closed at 8pm, which bugged me as a bicyclist. (They wouldn’t serve me without a motor.)
Eventually the place opened up a walk-in window for after hours service, so I wasn’t the only one bothered.
Take a chainsaw with you next time. If they complain that you don’t have a motor, offer to demonstrate to them that you do in fact have one (without being threatening of course).
I would try riding up while revving my mouth as a motor.
“This is an e-bike. The motor is in the hub.”
What’s the reasoning behind that
Less staff needed?
What’s the reason to not serve people on foot at the drive through if they closed the walk-in?
I’ve been told it’s a safety concern because people can get hit
I think it’s related to safety and insurance but I don’t really get it.
I worked at a Wendy’s (US fast food restaurant) in the '90s. They told us not to serve people not in a vehicle because a standing person could much more easily jump up and yoink the register drawer or some money in it (or otherwise climb in through the window). Not sure how true any of that is, but thought I’d mention it.
I once took my bike to the Burger King drive-thru. It was late at night, no cars in sight. Yet the next time I went there, about two weeks later, they had already put up a sign explicitly banning bicycles.
Ice cream requires cruel and violent atrocity against intelligent creatures. Fuck ice cream.
Wait. Why didn’t she just deal with the non-automatic teller (the guy she was talking to)?
You can use cards from other banks, credit cards, and even some prepaid cards at an ATM. You may be able to do some things with the machine that the teller can’t/won’t do.
“You may be able to do some things with the machine that the teller cant/wont do.”
Tell me more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do transactions involving an account not held by the bank.
you can try asking them out first
But she says they didn’t have an ATM and she went to the drive through, which is the same as going to a teller inside.
I think the banker teller in the story was talking about a drive-through ATM, not a drive-through teller.
So in order to do something that the teller can’t/won’t do, she would need to stand between cars, which is dangerous.
I’ve experienced once where the teller told me that if I’m withdrawing money under a certain amount, I should do it at the atm outside. Not sure if that rule is true or they just didn’t want to deal with it.
I don’t know in America, but I’ve seen banks charge a fee for withdrawals at the counter.
Because then you have to use a pen like a cave man.
But with a good pen it glides across the page in such a satisfying way, like a hot knife through butter.
It just flows across the page
I can tell you’re not left handed.
I can tell you haven’t found the right pen.
Also left handed. Have been looking for the right pen for over fifty years. Please share us your wisdom.
If you’re walking into a drive thru, DON’T WAIT. Walk in the exit, straight up to the teller’s window, explain you’re asthmatic and can’t wait behind car exhaust. The people in the cars will not hear you.
Not one should have to stand in that shit.
There are drive-thru’s that are just a single ATM, no teller windows, no employees.
They’re peak “lazy-entitled human”I don’t understand how drive up atms are entitled. It is convenient, not necessarily lazy. Even granting it’s entitled and lazy, drive up atms are far from “peak lazy-entitled human”, see Uber, door dash, amazon, etc.
You realize an ATM doesn’t have a teller…
I used to fix ABMs (we had to stop saying ATM for some reason) and you would be surprised on how many people think there is a person inside.
One time I was fixing the printer on one from the back with the front open (most slide out on rails) and a lady ducked under the front and tried to hand me her bank card and cash.
Not one should have to stand in that
If you’re walking into a drive thru, LIE ABOUT A MEDICAL CONDITION
Find a walk-up ATM from a branch more deserving of your business
if possible & available.
Pro tip: Ally & Schwab (USA) reimburse ATM fees, $10 & unlimited respectively. Also some stores still do cashback for debit cards - buy a pack of gum, get $20/$50/$100.
So, be an asshole? What’s it like being the only person on the planet?
It’s being a counter-asshole. The real asshole was the original designer who decided everyone would be in cars.
You don’t have an air conditioned car that can recycle your air for you. So yes, be an asshole. There are times when it’s necessary to defend yourself.
The person could use the walk-up non-automatic teller to perform their transaction. They were already talking to one…
Yeah, weird some asshole thought everyone would be in cars in a DRIVE THROUGH ATM lane.
I agree with your final sentence, but this scenario is not one of those times.
Yes, without presenting any options for people walking, when obvious people who walk also use the bank/money. IT’S POSITIVELY STUPID.
I’m pretty sure the joke is that she was inside the bank, likely talking to… A teller, asking about an automated teller machine.
Just talk to the people inside and ask them to help you. It’s literally their job.
You’d think, but my bank is actively becoming hostile towards people walking in.
My debit card literally never works at the ATM, so I just take the 2 minutes to walk in and fill out a withdrawal form. It’s fine for the occasional need for cash.
Last time, they basically told me, in the future were requiring your debit card for security. There isn’t any reason for you to come in.
I would counter that with: “if you’d give me a debit card that worked, I wouldn’t have to”
Yeah they want to fire at least some of the tellers.
I just hand them my debit card inside and tell them what I want. Usually with an apology that I haven’t filled out a deposit/withdrawal form. Most of the time the teller will say it’s fine and the same amount of work for them either way. I’m sure it depends on the bank or branch, and I personally try to avoid the bigger banks like Bank of America or Chase just because their fees are so much higher and I hear their service is worse, so that’s probably a factor as well.
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Last time i talked to a teller, he walked me to a machine and explained me how it worked.
Apparently that person wants to be unemployed.
Apparently you don’t do a lot of banking.
I try to avoid banks. They generally don’t make my life easier.
Edit: I’ll add that, if tellers direct everyone to the ATM, so much so that the ATM is the only thing people use, then tellers won’t be needed anymore. Thus unemployed.
Short story: when I was working grocery, at the tail end of my tenure was the start of the self-service checkout. The boss wanted us to encourage people to use self service checkouts. Nobody did, for obvious reasons.
Just talk to the people inside
Some banks literally charge a fee to do the same transaction that is cheaper/free at an ATM from what I’ve heard.
Sounds like a good reason to change banks
No, it doesn’t. You don’t have enough information to say something like that. Maybe the ATM fees they offer are the cheapest transaction fees in the city, and you are a customer who needs to optimize for transaction fee. Someone with those needs is going to prefer a bank that charges more for services that cost more to provide and offers a price break on services that are not as costly to provide.
Really licking the boots of an entity that exists to hold your money while making money off your money.
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There are things that you can do at an ATM that you can’t do at some banks, or will have shorter overall wait times.
You can’t always walk into a small credit union and withdraw money/deposit cash from a bank account with a different institution, but you can do that at their ATMs.
I find that regardless of bank, if you talk to a teller, you need to have an account with the bank you are physically in.
There’s very little they can do for you without it.
I’ve had banks I don’t have an account with occasionally replace a damaged dollar bill of some value or another, or do some limited currency conversion, eg, getting a roll of quarters or something, in exchange for the cash I have on hand… Beyond that, they basically tell you to leave.
A bank with a drive thru? What?! Never saw this in my life.
The world is such a fascinating place. I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen a bank WITHOUT a drive thru. I’ve lived in big cities and out in the sticks.
In Europe I’ve never seen a drive through ATM (in fact, the only drive throughs I’ve seen here are McDonald’s). In the US I was surprised to see many.
Should I tell them about the drive thru liquor stores?
How else do you work up the courage for a drive-thru wedding?
They’re really common outside cities.
Well, in the land of the free. Never saw one in Europe.
I’ve lived outside cities all my life and never seen drive through bank.
I once saw one in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. What a fucking shithole that was. I couldn’t even walk anywhere from the hotel. There were no sidewalks. Fucking grocery bags from Walmart flying all over town, the ridiculous shit you have to go through just to buy a beer. No thanks, never again.
I worked at a rural community Bank for a while. Many branches were in buildings that literally predated cars and had no drivethrus. Honestly the couple of branches that were built within the last 50 years were jarring because they were so modern compared to the frontier town banks that have been banks since around the time the region gained statehood
Seen a bunch in Oregon
After covid I could go thru the drive thru for food, booze, the bank, pharmacy, tabacco, car wash, coffee, and for pickup (they bring it out to the car) groceries and most restaurants.
I don’t know if they’re still around, but when I was a kid and ATMs were still kind of new there were drive thrus at banks where you interacted with a teller using a speaker and a pneumatic tube for sending/receiving.
My mom would let me operate the tube from the back seat, I thought it was cool as shit.
as a kid i enjoyed rolling up on my bike and pressing the “Send” button and then getting the bored bank teller response on the loudspeaker: “uh… thank you?”
still sad that pneumatic tubes are not used for transportation.
Yeah, I used to be pretty sure we’d all have personal pneumatic tubes to our homes. Not sure why that hasn’t happened, yet.
it’s been a fantastic cinematic device in some of the best, most cheesiest american movies. brazil. and total recall. that’s two!
There’s usually a 24 hr ATM by/in the entrance of most banks as well, for people on foot.
Hah maybe where you live. There are a lot of places that were built under the assumption that 100% of people would drive there.
Wait, to ask the guy at the bank she must have gone inside the bank where the tellers are.
Yeah? That’s where I’d start. Maybe they were at a bank that’s not their own?
The idea being you can just do a withdrawal through the teller, however one must always remember young people are confused and scared by manual human interaction.
Yes but from the fact pattern, they already had a human interaction with the teller, so logically it probably wasn’t their bank and that’s why they needed the ATM
I too often refer to all banks as “the” bank because I don’t have to wit to go to the one most capable of helping me.
You do you!
yeah it’s because of all the trauma your generation put us through
Nice try but I’m mocking my peers.
The idea being you can just do a withdrawal through the teller
No bank in my country (the Netherlands) still offers this service. You can only get cash at an ATM, if you can find one.
Personally, I can’t remember the last time I handled physical money.
When I was at university, I used to ride my bicycle to the local 24hr Macdonalds after I finished work; around 12:30am, I’d arrive just before 1am.
After doing this for ~8 months, they must have changed the policy, I was no longer able to use the drive through. But the door was locked after 10pm, so no more late night snacks for me!
Not sure if motorbikes were allowed or not.
Tbf those rules came about due to it being a common avenue for robbery. The logic is that if you have a car at least we have your licence plate if you rob us, but if not you could get away with it easier.
I’m surprised they let you do it at all, must’ve been a while ago (or your area just recently got as bad as mine has been for years lol).
2007, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
So a while ago, and Palmy has always had a significant student population, ideas like; you can get a free feed at maccas by going through the drive through and walking / biking off; tend to spread quickly.
Urgh I hate even thinking of using a drive through on a motorcycle. What kinda monstrosity bike would even have anywhere to put the food.
Uh, how about a backpack? Saddlebags? Compartment under the seat? Wtf even is this comment.
Shit just get the food and roll your ass over to a parking spot and eat it there. I’ve on more than one occasion went to a drive thru, got food, parked, then ate the food either in the car (like a fat POS) or sitting outside the car (also like a fat POS, but with a different view)
Don’t even wait embrace your inner fat ass and start hogging itInn drive thru. You already stopped and have gloves off really we aren’t trying to hog Down more than a couple bigmacs right… What’s that like 2minutes.
Well I hate drive-throughs at the best of times but the idea of ordering food to toss into a sack makes me feel icky. Not even getting into fishing out my wallet while on the bike and then while the bike is running reaching out to take food, then letting go of the brake to flip my backback around…
Its just such a bad thought all the way around. I go into the place if riding my bike, if the place is closed its no food for me.
dude throw the stand down and hop off for a sec. you can even put the bag down on the seat if that helps
I am confused as to why we are pro drive though here. Why not “throw the stand down” and go inside like a real person and not some sort of car-person hybrid?
I mean that’s what I do but his solution just seemed silly
Are sidecars out of style
I would hope if you are cool enough to have a side car you are not using the drive-though.
I have a magnetic tank bag. I’ve never gone through drive through because I ride with earplugs, but I have picked up food for my wife like I’m her personal Door Dash guy on my sport bike.
I lost a MP3 player (yes it was a while ago) from a tank mag mount and never trusted them again. Might have to re-evaluate now.
Still not using the drive-though while riding though. (I would rather walk-though)
I’m glad we don’t have banks/atm with drive thru (or many drive thru to beginn with) but this reminds me of my first covid test.
This was in the very beginning when testing was available like the first couple of weeks, when testing through a professional was available and everything was under tight lock down. My city’s health department set up a low contact drive through at a trade show site.
In general not a bad idea to reduce contact, but it was like they didn’t even imagine, that someone had to get there without a car (this is Germany mind you not the US). There was no set up for non drivers at all.
I live quite central and still had to take 2 trams and a bus to get there (after Covid exposure to mandatory testing) walk over a huge parking space into a fucking parking garage and behind those cars waiting in line through the whole garage to the testing station. All while feeling like shit.
Ahh yeah, memories…
The horizontals were probably confused about this vertical alien
Happened to me once. Kept expecting the guy to try and hit me up for a donation after i got done
The other day I was waiting behind a guy with no car. 😁
i don’t understand. is she complaining about the embarassment?
I think she’s complaining about how humans on foot have become an afterthought for some, as well as the danger and unpleasantness of standing in a line for cars.
She should have pulled out her gat and robbed those fuckers.