Dude, tidy up
I’m almost certain this is rage bait. The kcup, the folgers, the food… Ya
I wouldn’t call it ragebait, per se; just a cheeky li’l post. I’ve gotten a couple of decent conversations out of it so far, actually. Feel free to check the comments, or choose your own topic :-D
If your kitchen intentionally looks like that to get people to comment on it, it’s ragebait.
If your kitchen just looks like that by default then it’s just a shitpost.
It wasn’t intentionally to start conversations, but that’s what I’m taking from it. It was simply me noticing my counter was messy, thought, “it’d be funny to make it worse and then act like it’s normal. I should add a glue gun to reference my post from last night,” making it worse, adding a glue gun to reference my post from last night, and then I took a picture of it and acted like it was normal. The coffee conversation was merely because the coffee maker was in the center of the picture. If it had been my mulberry cutting, I would’ve asked about plants or plastic bottles or something. It’s comedy because it’s not the expected norm. And it implies that I eat hot glue sticks.
So ragebait
It’s just a silly post, dude. If you’re mad about it, then you need therapy.
I’m not mad about it. We we’re discussing if it was intentional (commonly known as ragebait on the internet) or not.
Oh well, I fell for it. Still not nice to look at at xd
Apparently it’s not intentional…
Bro it’s totally ai generated I swear bro
I know, looking at this picture makes me uncomfortable.
I’m joking about the ai thing, but I did stage the photo, for the record. (I noticed the milk after and have since wiped it up.)
Clean your fucking sink.
I will when I’m not using it to transplant fruit tree cuttings, Mr. CumFart 👍
What kind of fruit trees?
I have a couple of mulberry cuttings I’m trying to get started - it’s a bit early, but they usually do pretty well; I’m going to start on an apple tree next, and may do more after. We’ll see.
I’d also like to go hiking and find some pawpaw, more persimmon, and whatever else I can find.
I think you have to graft apple cuttings.
Possibly. We have a peach tree that we’ve grafted onto from a couple of different species, so we’ll just do the same for apples if we must. I haven’t done the research yet. To be honest, I didn’t help with the peach tree, and I’m just now kinda getting into trying to preserve the native fruit trees we have around my home, so I don’t quite know what I’m doing yet.
Is this a workshop kitchen or something?
Well, kinda, in the sense that I treat my entire existence as a workshop. Always tinkering, but never really accomplishing anything. Like Inspector Clouseau but with no case to speak of. A tortured artist whose only accomplished piece will be the grease stain on the cat-scratched couch. Too busy waiting on life to actually enjoy it. Too much to do to accomplish anything at all.
But I’m doing better than I used to. I used to drink!
Congrats on “used to!”
Ay, thanks :-) Just passed 6 years!
Welcome! Six years is a fantastic job!
I must admit, there was one single time when I thought “maybe homemade wine will be ok” and it was not. So I did backslide 2 years ago, but I don’t think it should reset the counter. Though I’ve never gotten an opinion on it.
I cannot possibly engage in any discussion until I clean this entire area, I’m crying rn. Make it stop make it stop
It’s ok man, is clean now. I posted about it in a comment somewhere :-) just a joke.
Op washed his balls with that spaghetti
Fuckin lol
You can’t post anything referencing Folgers without me thinking of https://youtu.be/CKgKPGBa9EQ
At least he’s already met her parents.
LOL the comments on that, I never looked at them before
I hope this is the commercial I hope it is
Pretty much, lmfao
This is different from the one I remember.
I‘m from the EU we don’t have Folgers but I love opening a can of Sprunk or Brawndo for breakfast.
Oh, Brawndo is my favorite outside beverage. There’s nothing like slipping on my Crocs, standing out in my yard with my guns, sipping on Brawndo and pissing into the wind.
Sprunk tastes like Vinewood talent agent semen
Yeah that’s freedom baby! Like I imagine everyone in the USA to start their day.
Not a Sprunk lover eh? Maybe Pißwasser is for you: https://youtu.be/lxpQWWBx0HU. One of our finest products. Export only.
Hell yeah brother! Nothing like working part-time digging your own grave to pay rent for the plot you’re being buried in.
Fuck K-cups and all their equivalents.
I tried but it’s too hot, and the hole the needle made was too big
Admit it, you just want to fuck your sister.
I just wish I had a sister. I’m so tired of being gay incest with my brothers
A Dutch joke?
(keurig = neat, decent, proper)
Man I really wish I was smart enough to have thought of that beforehand. Uhh, yes!
Is that actually true? Because that’s a great accidental joke.
Folgers is garbage 😂
Judging by the state of the kitchen, he likes garbage.
Like is a strong word. Assembles might be better.
Looks like it’s right where we belong, then :'-)
I grind my own coffee every morning for pour-over, with my digital kettle that heats the water precisely, and I use a timer to pace the brew for optimal flavor. You may think this is excessive effort but let ms assure you it is worth it! Nothing can beat the flavor of lightly roasted single origin pure robusta coffee.
I grind my coffee in the same hand-crank grinder my grandma used all her life, then brew it in a moka pot.
I like simplicity.I also have fond memories of my grandma’s coffee grinder. It’s a shame neither my grandma nor the grinder are around anymore. Treasure it!
I sometimes make a cup of warm water that I add instant decaf coffee to. We’re like twins
Triplets. I hate coffee. Its vile and disgusting.
Dark roasted for me, but freshly grinded and brewed with a Moccamaster, the best filter coffee machine in the world. I prefer Corazon beans. Plain and simple, black filter coffee, but made with perfection from amazing beans.
Corazon are arabica 🤮
Brother and/or sister, you do you. I’m sure it’s delicious, but I don’t even like to retie my shoes, lmao
Man you really got me, til I saw this shitpost community. Still make mine with a percolator or espresso lavazza bean is good
I’ve never tried a percolator, but I hear mixed reviews. Probably because I hear things from both hipsters and hobos.
it is hit or miss, depends if you like a strong cup. Also takes a few tries to get the water to grounds ratio until it makes one you like. Or if it doesn’t auto stop you gotta keep an eye on how dark it gets
I’m not familiar enough with them to know: are there different, like, styles of percolators? Different in functional ways?
e: I guess you answered that with your ‘auto stop’ statement, now that I think about it.
The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup!
Neil Cicierega is amazing
I feel ya
I have a grinder and get the Costco brand French roast beans they are good
I don’t think I even have a Costco nearby. Probably the closest thing is a Sam’s Club about 40 miles away.
More importantly, do you have a fucking dumpster near your house?
I have a reusable kcup and nothing but Philz goes in it. My current favorite blend is tesora.
You have a bot name, but I won’t hold that against you.
and you have a troll name but i won’t hold that against you either… sooo yeah.
I was given this name by a kid I used to play Modern Warfare 3 on the Wii with. I was actually just thinking about this earlier today - I cannot for the life of me remember his screen name, but I remember his real first name was Khari. His gf was CherryBOMBIN, and we also had OsamaBinBOMBIN. Classic early 2000s. They were all 17-18, and I was 21 lmfao
and mine was from an old song by a band called OXO. i added the number nine because i have 9 lives
OXO, at least in that video, is like some crazy version of The Wiggles.