Gotta fill the
slave campsprisons somehow!How many of the supreme court justices own stakes in for profit prisons?
Forced labor is not exclusive to private prisons. Federal and state prisons employ inmates just the same.
Our nation incarcerates more than 1.2 million people in state and federal prisons, and two out of three of these incarcerated people are also workers.
Jails and prisons also purchase a ton of goods and services from for profit companies, who are all too happy to upcharge (“you can’t put a price on safety!”), and the wardens just sign on the dotted line and hand the bill over to taxpayers
This documentary from about 20 years ago went to one of their tradeshows, and even back then they were talking about how it corrections was a billion dollar industry
At least with federal and state prisons doing it - it technically* benefits everyone, where private prisons are just lining someone’s pockets.
It doesn’t. It’s a way for taxes to indirectly support corporations on the backs of inmates.
– SCOTUS (ruling 6-3)
No you’ll get fined, fail to pay fines, get arrested for failing to pay fines, get sent to prison and work as a slave forever as court fines increase in perpetuity.
Republicans want to bring slavery back wholesale and they are succeeding.
The American experiment has failed.
Nonsense. This is the American dream. To be a pleasant one for the rich it has to be a nightmare for others.
It actually doesn’t have to be a nightmare for anyone. The rich can have perfectly pleasant lives while everyone is provided for. It’s just not the most profitable situation for the rich. To have their best life, everyone else must be miserable.
We live in a post scarcity economy, but not a post scarcity society. Depressing as fuck.
Some things are still scarce. But very few things we need are, or at least, very few things we need need to be scarce.
We live in a society that throws away 40% of the food it produces. Sure, there will always be some losses and sure, consumers being picky is a part of that too. But that together isn’t 40%. It’s maybe 10. Most of it is thrown away before it even has a chance to be sold.
We have three times as many vacant homes as we have homeless people. If that sounds hard to believe it’s because it is, I just lied.
We have 30 times as many unoccupied homes as we have homeless people. And yet housing has never been more expensive.
We produce goods we don’t need for people we don’t like, so we can spend every penny trying to stay alive. We have little left to give and yet they always find a way to take more from us.
The system isn’t broken, it’s functioning exactly as it’s designed to. With the people doing all the work reaping none of the rewards. They toss us scraps and demand our gratitude.
Fuck em. They won’t give us the tools to unseat them. They’ve purchased the power to decide who’s in office, who makes the rules, and as long as we play by the rules they allow, we’ll never win.
TLDR; guillotines
One could argue that it’s their best life. To be richer than rich, one would likely get poorer in spirit. There’s a reason the root of many evils is the thing that it is.
I can’t imagine why it would feel bad for others to not be starving to death while they did reasonably well - which there’s room for!
Did someone say debtor’s prison?
As seen in Dallas next to a school of divinity
Oh yes, the part in the Bible where Jesus looks at the poor and goes “kys lol”
Modern-Day Jesus:
So the beggar at the red light began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“Be quiet!” the people in the vehicle behind yelled at him.
But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
When Jesus heard him, he rolled down his window and ordered that the man come near. Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord,” he said, “My only want is for enough coin to eat for today!”
And Jesus said, “If I were to give you coin, surely you would instead use it instead for drugs and alcohol. I shall not grant you this desire. Instead I shall speak unto the land that all shall know of your wicked ways and none will grant you coin again.”
Instantly the man cried out, “If you were not to grant me this, Lord, please allow me to pass on from this world onto hell, for truly I am already living there.”
And Jesus said, “I do not know the ways of my Father, but surely I know this: Your fate would not have fallen upon you had you followed Jesus, praising God. You have made this bed, and now it is time for you to lay in it.”
And the light changed to green, and Jesus sped away. In the din, the beggar could not explain that he was born a disciple and had praised God since taking his first breath. And the people in the vehicle behind who saw it drove past and said, “Get a job”, and praised God this fate would surely never befall them.
And the light changed to green, and Jesus sped away in his cybertruck.
In truth, that Jesus sounds sus.
Yeah he spoke about himself in third person. Maybe he was high.
I’m case anyone doesn’t know the origin of the phrase, “you made your bed, lie in it:” Procrustes
No no my man suicide is a sin. You’re supposed to vegetate and suffer in undignified misery until you finally die -just as God has intended for your life to be
You’re supposed to pay tithes and have babies to support the
child grooming cultLord’s work until you can’t tithe anymore.
no, no, conservatives will never support this idea. death is too easy an out. why should they allow those that they view as lesser to have an escape from an absolute living hell? no, they intend to make slaves out of them. step one is to criminalize being homeless. then, the homeless can easily become prisoners in horrific private prisons. conveniently, they can now legally be used as slave labor! the prison corporations don’t even have to foot the bills - taxpayers will pay enough to keep the prisoners alive (barely), so the work they force them to do is all profit, a capitalist dream. if they won’t work, no worries! it’s illegal to torture them, of course, but conveniently, the legal definitions of torture do not include being locked alone in a windowless always-lit featureless room indefinitely with only moldy nutriloaf for food that tastes like human shit, so they can just do that as an “encouragement tactic” until they decide to start toiling properly.
incidentally, and entirely unrelatedly I’m sure, they also want really bad to roll back discrimination protections for women, LGBT, and all minorities, so that anyone can be denied work or housing for “any reason”. weird. I’m sure it’s not because they want to be able to torture and enslave us “undesirables” with complete impunity, because that would really be antithetical to their primary religion’s teachings haha
Sorry… say no to the specific thing Jesus did in the Bible? And this was by a school of divinity?
Sorry… say no to the specific thing Jesus did in the Bible? And this was by a school of divinity?
I read the article that guy wrote in Christianity Today (not my typical reading choice) a while ago and I get that, I just didn’t expect it to be so blatant.
The initial lawsuit was in a town with ~600 fewer available beds than residents. These people literally did not have anywhere else to go, and our highest court just said ‘tough shit’.
Holy fuck, y’all.
Yeah, these are the kind of people who make me question my pacifism 🤬
I’m furious. I just read through as much as I could and asked GPT for a summary so I didn’t miss anything. It’s just about as bad as I thought.
The court is literally arguing that they’re not criminalizing homelessness, they’re just criminalizing ‘sleeping in public’ but makes no attempt to justify that with the fact that there literally aren’t places to go. When Sotomayor tries to argue that cities should be responsible for providing adequate housing, they just hem and haw at ‘What even IS adequate? We may never know. Plus, if we give them BEDS, they’ll probably want something to keep them WARM too! That’s just too much!’
It’s abhorrent and inhumane.
Honest question- i have narcolepsy. I’ve had sleep attacks in public.
Does this criminalize a symptom of my disability?
That sounds like a significant challenge. One which if it ever gained enough traction to make it to the SC would be struck down setting a precedent to criminalize “mental illness” which would in turn be used as a precedent to criminalize more general ailments.
Potentially. If you know an attack is coming and use a blanket or pillow, yes.
It’s only legal to sleep in public without any bedding and without a cache of personal objects nearby, because that “implies the intent to establish a temporary residence”.
Yes, you must be fined and jailed so you can assemble very important widgets.
If you’re sick of this, in the DC area, and need a saturday activity, reminder that there’s a “Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington, D.C. and to the Polls” in Washington DC tomorrow morning 10 AM. Make it if you can. Yeah I know the title’s absurdly long and marching doesn’t do shit but what else are we gonna do.
marching doesn’t do shit
It’s a beginning.
what else are we gonna do
We’ll boycott, strike, riot, and revolt.
Well this is an explicitly peaceful march so leave the rioting for another day
Import french La Revolution
They even sent us a big statue so we wouldn’t forget.
I guess we’ll follow your lead then
No, you fucking dolt!
The whole reason we’re in this position is your refusal to think for yourself.
So, in many states…
- Can’t be homeless.
- Can’t be dead on purpose (suicide’s illegal).
- Can’t have an abortion.
- Can’t marry a same-sex spouse.
- Can’t get healthcare if you don’t have a job, and even if you can, it’s super expensive and not likely to cover everything.
So I guess, just make sure that you’re born well-to-do, never make any mistakes, and are a straight, cis-gender man. Really narrows things down and puts life into clear perspective.
Don’t forget they charge for every day in jail
Jeez. It’s sort of the worst kind of dystopic future there is.
Concrete walls, iron bars, hard labor, and an ever increasing debt.
Maybe I’m dumb, but how hard would it be to just not agree to work? They gonna beat you to death? Sounds better than being a slave
If you work you earn money for commissary and potentially time off for good behavior, if you don’t, you don’t.
They gonna beat you to death?
Nono, it’s much worse! They’ll torture you until you WISH they’d have beat you to death and then they’ll torture you some more!
AFAIK gay marriage is still legal in all states. Weirdly that’s one they haven’t been able to crack.
It’s federally legal, but far as I can tell, some states don’t recognize those marriages, and others outright prohibit them, although it’s not enforceable. Still fucked up, IMO.
AFAIK, states are not allowed to prohibit same-sex marriages. Individual cities/towns can refuse to perform a marriage, but they still must recognize a marriage that was performed elsewhere.
It’s just allowing the bigots to inconvenience queer people for no reason. It doesn’t really prevent marriages (yet).
Clarence Thomas said it should be revisited after Roe got struck down.
Oh yeah, him and Alito both have been big mad about it for ages now.
I think the Republican elites don’t hate gays as much as they used to due to prominent GOP members having openly gay children (like McCain’s daughter).
I see it as a three way deadlock (older Republicans that are GOP) that accepted gay people, younger Republicans who are not exactly for it but don’t persecute them, Trump/MTG (Trumplibicans) who just say stereotypical bigotry even though they are “sexual deviants” by their own standards.
That is the new American dream: be born rich.
You know it.
i mean, that’s literally what they want. they want you dead. that’s what conservatives have always wanted.
Conservatives don’t want you dead. They want you working (until you die) - preferably in labor camps (prisons), where you will go for sleeping outside.
politicians and people in power, yes. the conservatives in general, the voters, they just hate you and want you dead.
They want liberals dying at a rate higher than conservatives. Ever wonder why people tend to be more conservative when they get older? It is not like aging is changing people’s minds.
Conservatives don’t want you dead.
Until AI, automation and robots make us serfs completely unnecessary. Then they’ll just want us dead.
They want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers
deleted by creator
With money you don’t have.
If you’re homeless, go to t Your town’s rich people area and sleep near their mansions. La Jolla near San Diego for example. That’s also where I humanely drop off animals that get into my basement like possums and trash pandas.
Only when it happens to the rich are rules changed. If you persist, suddenly it will be legal to sleep in the city streets again!
After all, homeless people used to be housed people. The banks took their homes after their bosses too their jobs. Whoever lives in their old house basically is just in the round robin of people.
Well actually you can’t die either, that’s illegal. Let me know if you find any other options and I’ll make sure they get illegal’d as well!
It’s fine we’ll just put people into inescapable debt and have their options be a labor camp or a comatose bio-energy source. You will of course incur medical debt for the comatose option.
“We will continue to charge you penalties until you can afford to pay us back”
it’s such bullshit that sleeping in your vehicle is illegal, but just leaving your vehicle laying around is considerably less illegal.
edit: legal instead of illegal, average skill issue
There are lots of places where sleeping in your car is not legal.
freudian slip i suppose, meant to say that lol
Guess I’ll just die
“Great, were glad you understand the message. Just don’t die anywhere visible, heh, we don’t need corpses stinking up the streets” - SCOTUS, probably
Yes, that is exactly what they want.
Yup they’ll use the poor as a source for cheap aquarium gravel
Ia that what we call fish food now?
The crime is life. The sentence is death.