Clear this is not real, how dare you accuse Trump supporters of reading.
B-b-but her emails!
Her emails. His laptop. My milkshake.
I wonder what comes next.
All the boys to the yard?
Damn right.
Afterwards they’ll crack a cold one
buttery males
Damn, White Jesus is an asshole.
Jesus Was a Black Dude, after all.
He certainly wasn’t Dutch Irish. But there were plenty of Caucasians in the Levant some 2000 years ago. He could have just as easily been Ptolemaic as Ethiopian.
Whatever his skin tone, I think its safe to say he was very tan. But, as a charismatic religious demagogue, there’s ample reason to suspect he was good looking by the standards of the era - presumably tall, handsome, smooth spoken, and fairly well-groomed.
But, as a charismatic religious demagogue
Maybe he was fat, ugly and had fake orange skin…
It’s just a fun song. Click through.
That’s Supply Side Jesus
Well Korean Jesus is busy. With Korean shit.
Korean Jesus clearly lives at a gym. Korean Jesus is more ripped than Superman
So Kimchi and watching sexually and contractually raped desirable young people sing and dance?
The funny thing is Jesus was, in fact, guilty of treason against the state
That requires you to assume the goals of a Christian nation are out of line with the goals of a Roman Empire. And Emperor Constantine certainly didn’t seem to think so.
Uhh wait, which MCU phase is this from?
— right wing chuds
John Constantine is DC universe, duh.
deleted by creator
They won’t reject him for the crimes he’s convicted of, they’ll reject they legal system that convicted him of those crimes.
They only reject the legal system when it’s Republican politicians getting prosecuted. They’re just fine with it when it’s immigrants and other minorities getting murdered by police or deported or thrown in prison.
Yes. That’s Conservativism. First decide who is good (cishet white Christian males) and who is bad (basically everyone else). Then subjugate the latter group(s) to the benefit of the former. The court system doing something other than that gives the Conservative a visceral level of discomfort.
Right. To us, the phrase “law and order” means a peaceful society that results from everybody obeying the rules. To the MAGA/authoritarian crowd, it means exercising the power of the state (law) to maintain the correct social hierarchy (order). And guess who’s on top of that hierarchy?
If you could reason with trump supporters, there would be no trump supporters.
That’s cool n shit but did you see hunter biden’s schlong?
I heard MTG has it as her desktop background
She just wishes hers was bigger.
“I know MTG is bad or whatever, but can we please not shame her for her looks because that’ll hurt all other masculine women, too?”
Who said that, Voltaire?
The brother of Wattaire?
Yes, and the cousin of Jean-Paul Ohmaire.
It’s my lockscreen
😂 This made me chuckle out loud
Only the massive censor bars.
It’s so offensive! I can’t stop staring at it!
As usual it’s the pot calling the kettle black. The most blatant US example of a political prosecution in my lifetime is when Trump got John Durham to prosecute two people for reporting him to the FBI. Both of these people merely did exactly what we tell people they’re supposed to do: reported suspicious activity to the FBI. Both were accused of telling immaterial lies that were documented exactly nowhere and clearly lacked the kind of evidence that would be needed to justify any other prosecution. In fact, two prosecutors in the DOJ argued that charges shouldn’t be brought and one resigned in protest over the prosecutions. Both defendants were acquitted after short deliberations, but only after their lives were overturned and they were savagely attacked in the conservative media.
But no one talks about them because unlike Trump, they don’t have the biggest microphone on the planet. Then there’s also Trump’s blatant pardons of his political allies, which is just as bad of an interference in the judicial process.
tHe SyStEm iS RiGGeD aGaiNsT mY fAvORiTe PoRnStAr-FuCkiNg ChRiSTiAn MiLLiOnAiRe!!!
The hand, pointing out, he’s reading this exact phrase, the only phrase in the book, is perfect.
I’m guessing their defense/diversion from all this will be to claiming it was a rigged trial for political purposes and/or talking about other people committing crimes, so why is Trump suddenly getting punished for committing a fake crime?
I enjoy the schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but there is a frame in which this kind of confusion does actually make sense.
It’s the frame in which you acknowledge that our system of justice isn’t about holding everyone equally accountable to the law, it’s instead been an institution to keep the poor and marginal in their places- that is, it’s about enforcing an unspoken social, class, gender, and racial hierarchy that a lot of the MAGA folks take for granted and really want to defend and uphold.
That is the order they’re talking about when they say ‘Law and Order’. The order is a social, racial, gender, and class hierarchy, and the law is the means by which the hoi polloi are kept in whatever the powerful in it regard to be their ‘rightful places’.
For these people, the idea that the law might actually apply to everyone is an attack on the basis of order as they understand it. Of course they’re mad.
Make It Make Sense Again
Dude, I absolutely don’t care about Trump. I am not an American citizen and I think Biden is better than Trump because he is a systemic politician. But why are you all so afraid of the redheaded old man?