Neighbor across the street has a litter to re-home so we’re doing our part!
No name yet, TBH, not even 100% sure on gender, they have a female looking face, but that doesn’t mean much at 2 months. LOL.
Don’t take her for granite.
It always takes me a few days trying to discover their personality. It’s an important thing. Rather than choosing a name, I feel like I learn who they are and the name becomes organic. Congrats!
The master
Just the first word that popped in mind.
Name her Safety.
I dunno why, but my roommate is babbling Safety in my ear.
Maybe she’s meant to be good luck 🤞
Only if she dances.
She can dance if she wants to.
I was just rewatching Midsomer Murders and there’s a Russian Blue cat - KillMouski.
Captain Snugglebottom
That’s a Princess Bubblegum if I ever saw one
Bonnibel or Bonnie for short
Moodles (idk if this means anything, I just made it up)
Cute but moodle is an online university learning platform in my country.
Ah drat. I knew it sounded familiar but was too lazy to search it lol
Hammerhead Eagle I-Thrust…or Geoff.
That’s clearly a Veronica