ProTip: you can easily deflate a car’s tires by placing a small pebble in the valve cap before screwing it back on
Better revenge, line up a bunch of carts around the truck, so he has to move them all to get out.
My favorite thing is to just leave a note that says, “I’m sorry about the scratch.”
2nd option: “I saw who broke into your car. Call me at (leave fake #)”
is the rickroll number still operational?
This should be a felony
Keying this car is a moral imperative.
Ah yes, the Categorical Imperative!
“Key only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time elude pursuement by the law.” - Kant
My philosophy may be a little rusty…
it’s universalizable. I’d be okay with someone keying my car if I purposely parked like an asshole, so it survives the ax murderer paradox
I don’t actually mind this IF the person parks in the back of the lot. I get that they don’t want their precious hot wheels monster truck to get dinged, but as long as they park in the back of the lot where there’s no other cars, it’s fine. However, this person is clearly an asshole as there’s handicapped spots next to them, so they’re right up front taking spaces. It should be legal to vandalize their vehicle if a person does this.
My move lately has been to stand their windshield wipers up. You’re not doing anything criminally damaging to their vehicle, but in my experience, anyone this self-important will be really bothered by the thought of some random person putting their dirty hands on their precious baby.
Four of the best parking spots, too, judging by the handicap spaces nearby.
Don’t be too hard on them, maybe this was all that was available when they pulled up.
In the old days, a friend of mine would carry some paper(?) stickers(?) (labels?) that said something like “I park like an asshole” and superglue it to one of the windows of someone parked like this.
If you wanted to be nicer, you could get some proper pre-printed stickers (most online print/sticker shops should have them) and place them. Wouldn’t cause any damage but would maybe make them think about it a little bit.
I also saw a post recently where someone replaced all the tire valve caps with bright orange or pink little dick shaped caps. This would cause more inconvenience and embarrassment, but not be damaging or dangerous.
I knew a guy that had a roll of custom-printed “I park like a jackass” stickers. They weren’t very large – I think they were originaly labels for folders or something.
But they were on tamper-proof stickers, the kind that were metalic and broke into a bunch of tiny pieces when you tried to peel them off.
He’d slap two or three of them on the driver’s side windshield and window out of the main line of sight, but you couldn’t miss them when driving.
They’re a pain in the ass to get off. I know, because he put one on my car that said, “I lick sweaty ballsacks”.
Wow what an asshole
Well, that guy is clearly a massive prick, but let’s also talk about how fucking ugly that truck is. I don’t know when everyone decided that land yacht pickup trucks were the bees knees, but they’re not. They’re just dumb and so. goddamn. ugly.
You mean their Emotiional Support Truck.
Just check the bed. If there’s a liner, chances are the truck is needed. If it’s clean, it’s a vanity truck.
I own a 350 and am very aware of just how big this truck is. But I do need the pulling power for work related things. I’ve also used it to help people that have broken down.
I haven’t seen a new truck without a bed liner in decades. I apparently thought they were standard equipment.
If you need one, you need one, but I’m confident that a tiny percentage of these things are used for actual work. Also: still ugly. Sorry.