Context: This is the second year I’ve been trying to hit 69% battery at 4:20 on 4/20.
It’s stupid and juvenile, but I’ve set a goal, damn it, and now I have to wait another year to try again. 😆
I’m just here because you’re giving Voyager the love she deserves. God I love that ship.
Same. Definitely my favorite. 🖖
But… it’s charging?? Why did you charge it PAST 69?
That was right when I grabbed it. I got distracted and forgot to check it earlier.
Distracted… On 4/20? What, pray tell, would one be doing at 4:20 on 4/20? Hmm…
He was smoking a doobie
Completely unacceptable
You only had to concentrate for 60seconds.
Ahhhhh dang it so close! Next year DON’T LET IT OUT OF YOUR SIGHT lol
If at first you don’t succeed, change your time zone!
Also can I please have a link to the voyager wallpaper?
I looked, and it only seems to exist as a temp file somewhere on my phone. I guess I just clicked “Set as wallpaper” years ago and it’s been there since. I cannot find the original on my phone, and my Google searches for that are coming up dry (even reverse image searching from my existing screenshot).
Here’s the closest I can find:
It’s the USS Odyssey (Intrepid Class) but the framing is similar to the one I have as my wallpaper.
Thank you for putting in so much effort!
Wasn’t there a galaxy class odyssey in DS9?
i gotchu fam
I salute yout commitment. Next year same time.
First time a mildly infuriating post makes me smile
Maybe you can go back in time with some kemocite and by venting warp plasma into the cargo bay and catch it at the right moment.
Then once you do that find a spatial anomaly that causes a time loop so you can keep trying till you get it.
You should go down below 69% and then charge back up to it close to 4:20
Heh, yeah. I tried. Was on a long call earlier and was pacing, so couldn’t keep it on charge. Had to get back up from about 44% at 3:45. I even cranked the brightness, turned on all the wireless radios, and tried to drop it by 1% before the minute ticked over, but to no avail.
Ah, well. Try again next year. lol
Sure, that, rather than changing your phone’s clock. But I guess you want to do it legitimately.
3DMark or some other benchmark utility might help next time.
How is it having Mint Mobile?
Bout as good as having T-Mobile (uses their network). Will definitely vary from place to place, though. Kinda “meh” here since they mostly use band 66 for large cells which has pretty crap penetration into buildings.
Going to shill my community since its related. !
since they mostly use band 66 for large cells which has pretty crap penetration into buildings.
Huh, good to know there’s an explanation for why I was getting no signal inside my home when I was on T-Mobile. It’s the reason I switched.
T-Mobile uses a lot of different bands, depending on the coverage area. Some areas are on 700 Mhz, others on higher PCS bands (former Sprint bands). I used to see what frequencies were used and confirmed with LTE Discovery app on my phone.
In my case, it was band 66 for a fairly large cell. I’ve also got a brick house, so that doesn’t help. AT&T’s 800 Mhz band worked well here but they were jerking around my plan so I switched to Mint.
I don’t understand any of that, but I’m about to move into a brick house and now I’m wondering if my cell signal is going to suffer.
My wife used Mint Mobile from 2018 until 2022 and really liked it. We moved in 2022 and unfortunately our new place had very poor T-Mobile coverage so we had to switch, otherwise we’d still be using them. She switched to US Mobile which give you a choice of using T-Mobile or Verizon.
They’re QCI 7 rather than QCI 6 though, which basically means they’re considered lower priority on the T-Mobile network. If there’s congestion (not enough network bandwidth for everyone that wants to use it), customers on QCI 6 are given priority. Every MVNO except for Google Fi is QCI 7, while Google Fi and most plans directly through T-Mobile are QCI 6.
Looks like you have a problem with pulling out in time.
LOL. Must be hereditary.
Nothing a little edit wont fix 😹
Nah, lol, going for an honest triple word score. Has to be legit. 😀
Don’t worry, the Alpha quadrant is stil decades of opportunities years to get it right.
And to double the chances “7/9” (September? July?) date is a valid choice too.
You can try again at 4:20 June 9th (AM & PM so you got double chances)
Custom adaptive charge to have it stop charging at 69% when your alarm goes off. 😌
My phone is way too ancient for that to be an option, but I’m trying to actually upgrade this year, so 🤞 for that being an option next year. But I’m also trying not to cheat (too much lol)
Custom roms (0_0)
I miss when custom ROMs were easier. Practically every phone with Windows Mobile supported custom ROMs. I tried a lot of custom Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0 and 6.5 ROMs back in the day. It was pretty straightforward on older Android, too.
These days, it seems like so many phones are locked down, for example with a locked bootloader. It’s so dumb. If I paid for my phone, I should be able to do whatever I want with it. Why even some tech-savvy people are comfortable with being limited in terms of what they can do with their expensive devices, I’ll never know.
Since OP said his phone is way too ancient, it might be well supported