The rail union contract expires at the end of this year meaning the rail union workers can strike again sometime in 2025. Whoever wins the 2024 general election and becomes president will immediately have to deal with that possibility. If Biden is serious about how Trump is the biggest threat we face then promising to veto any attempts to force another contract onto the rail unions is a bargain.
Your move Joe. Are you willing to compromise with leftists or do you want to go down in history as the second establishment Democrat who lost to Donald Trump?
Best president in over forty years and you’re not happy.
Maybe you’ll just never be happy.
I mean the bar was set pretty low. But, really, his presidency has been boring and well maintained, which has been huge relief in comparison to the last president. Trump is determined to break the American steeled engine.
Alright. Then get Biden the votes he needs elsewhere. 🤷♂️
Like if you believe there’s no pleasing me then ignore me. Don’t engage. There’s no reason to.
I can engage if I want to.
Why do you think you can tell me what I’m allowed to do?
I mean you can. This ain’t Reddit.
Not sure what your goal is though.
Your goal is promoting voter apathy.
Mine is to oppose that, I’ve been very open about it.
I’ve not encouraged anyone not to vote. I myself will be voting 3rd party.
Voting third party is the same as not voting.
You’re literally calling it “voting”.
That’s how we got Trump in 2016…
I’m happy to discuss that topic if you like. But I was addressing an accusation that I was promoting voter apathy. If you agree I am not promoting voter apathy I’m happy to discuss why I’m voting 3rd party.
It’s comical how many union workers I see with Teamster and MAGA bumper stickers on their shitty trucks.
Comical but irrelevant. Those people didn’t vote for Biden in the 2020 general election and won’t vote for him in 2024. I voted for Biden in the 2020 general election but if he doesn’t promise to back rail unions in 2025 I will vote 3rd party this year.
If Biden thinks he needs our votes to defeat Trump this is the deal. He can take it or leave it.
EDIT: I find it hilarious I’m being down voted for pointing out MAGA people won’t vote for Biden under any circumstances. You people really have lost the plot when it comes to being in “the big tent party”. If you want the bulk of the votes from leftists we need to have a seat at the table. If “pro-union” Joe won’t promise to back rail unions in 2025 then we don’t have a seat at the table and he doesn’t have our votes. It’s a good deal. Joe Biden should take this deal. You should be doing everything you can to tell Joe Biden he needs to take this deal.
Bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if voting for fascism pays out for you
bold strategycompletely braindead decision was made by people who watched Hillary lose and decided to make the effort to show up to the 2020 primaries so they could vote for Joe Biden. I’m not faulting you for having a negative opinion about my decision but if you’re gonna mock people for dumb decisions surely some should be cast in that direction yeah?These folks believe making your own choice to support a third party who supports you, in contrast to the two groups who said they wont, is supporting fascism. Forcing you to conform to the established system laid out for you is not, with irony this strong I do not believe you could ever reach them.
I don’t think I could ever get them to agree with my point of view. But I do think if they believe our resolve they would realize they’re trying to squeeze blood from a stone and begin screaming louder at Biden and morons who voted for him in the 2020 primaries.
They seem like they’re close. The claim that “we can push Biden to the left” was the best acknowledgement to date that we had at least some reasonable expectations and that they would support us. That promise never materialized but the fact that it was made gives us something to point to when they try to insist we vote for Biden again. We blindly trusted the promise once. It’s not unreasonable for us to refuse to do it again.
“Biden isn’t going to improve things so I’m going to actively make things worse for everyone, myself included.”
I am not OP: If you can’t do shit for your constituents then that’s how things will fall into place.
Sometimes you gotta threaten to drag a stubborn person off the cliff along with you so they will not constantly push you towards the edge.
And if you could do that without enabling the deterioration of civil rights for women, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQIA people that’d be great, thanks.
I mean, I’m not American so I don’t really have to care but still. There’s a time and place for protest votes, and this election isn’t it. Sure, Biden may not be perfect, but Trump literally said that he’d (try to, but considering the current supreme court…) be a dictator.
There’s a time and place for protest votes, and this election isn’t it.
Every presidential election since 1992, the DNC have warned about it being “the most important election ever”, one that the country can’t afford for them to lose. It’ll never be time.
Guess what else hasn’t changed since 1992?
- the campaign strategy of the DNC
- the legislative strategy of the DNC
- the overall political philosophy of the DNC
- the relationship between billionaire donors and their corporations and the DNC
- the relationship between cops and the DNC
- the attitude and behavior towards the Left of the DNC
Guess what HAS changed since 1992?
And if you could do that without enabling the deterioration of civil rights for women, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQIA people that’d be great, thanks.
We don’t have the opportunity. People who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries made sure of that. One of the ways you could have helped avoid this situation was by shaming people for even considering voting for him in the primaries. There were much better options.
There’s a time and place for protest votes, and this election isn’t it.
I’ll forgive you since you’re not American but this is a deliberate strategy by the DNC and establishment democrats. They don’t want to compromise with leftists and they’re fine losing to fascists. It’s hard for people to accept but the reality is this: Biden is evil too.
You are why the right wins. You hold grudges against your own party.
When Trump wins, it will be your fault not whatever reason you make up. You are responsible.
This is the same stupid bullshit around petty grievance that allowed Trump to beat Hillary.
- Is it a big-tent party of unity, or not?
- Does my voice matter, or not?
- Do you care about my voice, or not?
- If progressive/left wing voters are such a minority as to not be worth considering, then why get so twisted if they vote third party or sit it out?
If the DNC wanted left coalitions or big-tent unity, they’d end FPTP elections and kill superdelegates. They can do both, but won’t try either. Bully coalition wings into unity every two years, then back to business as usual 😎
Just quoting Milk-Sheik from above here. If they need leftists votes, then fucking earn them. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
You hold grudges against your own party.
I won’t vote for someone who’s going to pass legislation to block rail unions from striking in 2025. I know Trump will. I know Biden will unless he promises otherwise.
This is the same stupid bullshit around petty grievance that allowed Trump to beat Hillary.
Yes. It is. So what do you have to say about people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries? Did they think we were bluffing twice? Are they brain dead?
Biden went back to get rail workers sick days and the news barely covered it. He’s really working to get things done.
There are 12 rail unions. Tell me how many sick days every rail worker in each union has.
Keep in mind they were fighting for 15 sick days.
That’s an obtuse request. He’s writing a comment on a book report.
They said Biden went back to get rail workers sick days. That could mean anything from “Biden got two rail workers two sick days.” to “Biden got every rail worker more than 15 sick days.” What would be the appropriate level of detail, in your mind, to fairly assess the statement?
As a passing reader, the comment that any number of days was added, is the headline. A further goalpost, that a sufficient number of days is added, is subjective.
As far as the reader is concerned Biden did add sick day(s). Which is notable.
A further goalpost
You mean the goalpost set by the rail workers themselves for 15 days.
You’re suggesting that we should only consider that Biden got some number of rail workers some sick days and that’s it?
As someone who’s actually informed on the subject matter let me tell you why it didn’t make headlines: Because what Biden got was pathetic. If you actually look at what he got compared to what they were prepared to strike for its embarrassing.
The point is a the statement you replied to is objectively true. It’s a fair discussion to consider deeper details but your reply suggested the person was telling a lie or was being deceptive.
It’s a fair discussion to consider deeper details but your reply suggested the person was telling a lie or was being deceptive.
Actually what it suggested is they had no idea what Biden actually accomplished. I suspect you don’t either.
- Is it a big-tent party of unity, or not?
- Does my voice matter, or not?
- Do you care about my voice, or not?
- If progressive/left wing voters are such a minority as to not be worth considering, then why get so twisted if they vote third party or sit it out?
If the DNC wanted left coalitions or big-tent unity, they’d end FPTP elections and kill superdelegates. They can do both, but won’t try either. Bully coalition wings into unity every two years, then back to business as usual 😎
Easy peazy.
Support unions and rally labor for a win. Its so fucking laid up for him its ridiculous.
Pistcow’s comment illustrates the holes in that strategy.
We’re not interested in your opinions on our strategy. Does Biden believe democracy is at stake? Does he need our votes to defeat Trump? This is the deal. Compromise with leftists or risk losing to fascists. Take it or leave it.
So all of the good that Biden has already done for unions means nothing to you unless he does one specific thing for one union? Biden has been amazing for unions, I really don’t see why this is your line in the sand.
I really don’t see why this is your line in the sand.
You don’t need to understand it. You just need to believe me that I’m serious. And then you need to decide if you think Joe Biden needs my vote to win the 2024 general election. If he doesn’t, congratulations, you can ignore me and get on with your day. If he does you should probably try to get him to take this seriously.
Sounds good. I don’t need to listen to someone this sanctimonious
Telling people they’re not entitled to my vote and that I don’t have to explain it to them isn’t sanctimonious. It’s how democracy is sold to each and every one of us. If you find yourself trying to insist that someone vote against their own interests and understandings then you need examine whether or not you really believe in democracy.