reads headline
Thinks “India?”
It’s India…
It’s always India…
Its sad 😔
deleted by creator
Ever heard of reporting bias?
I also understand that if you here specific shit always coming from a specific place that it’s a smoke and fire situation.
Add to that all too many personal experiences where my wife and I had issues with Indians (from India) and yeah, it has led me to believe that something is seriously wrong with their culture. It has nothing to do with race or racism, they have a beautiful culture, but a number of parts of their culture are seriously fucked up and must be changed
What a terrible day to be able to read.
And in english not less.
I’m earnestly asking any Indian folks why I’ve seen too many articles like this coming out of India. Why is it so unsafe for women in that country? Sexism? Regressive beliefs around sex?
Whatever country you are from, think about the most backwards/rural/remote location that has people with backwards and regressive views.
Consider that India likely has 5 to 10x the population of rural folks in small villages that have midevil views compared to your country.
Add in long standing cultural misogynist views that is so pervasive it fully permeates all aspects of government and life and you quickly get to a point where abuse and domestic violence is tolerated.
As per usual, it’s not like the entire country shares these views. It’s just the the number of backwards views in India is numerically huge because of its population.
That’s really more like high evil in my opinion.
Florida and Texas.
All countries have their Floridas and Texases. What’s yours?
Canada has Alberta.
Florida and Texas
The south
Why does China not have as many of these events? Is India maybe more rural than China, or is it some kind of law thing like Florida?
Your explanation is very consise, but i dont undsrstand why people arent as commonly doing attrocities to women in China.
I guess it is possible that its the legacy of the Cultural Revolution, but the current government of China isnt a fan of that era of Maos policies.
Possibly it happens, but censored by the CPP
You are probably wrong, increasing population’s fear is all an authoritarian regime wants, it is an argument to increase repression.
Widespread gun ownership, please. Gun ownership, not knife ownership.
Honestly, I don’t know. But then again I never felt like I belong here for as long as I can remember.
Places like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan are so regressive that other Indians collectively call them BIMARU (sick or unwell).
This saddens me deeply.
It’s important to remember what a big place it is. A billion people. A lot can happen. And it may not be some essential quality of the entire country. I mean hell you can’t judge all of America by Mississippi.
That makes sense, it could just be a numbers game. I’m sure similar atrocities have happened in the states.
I don’t know about this kind of maiming women but there are definitely moments when I see Europeans, for example, ask “why is America so fucked up?” after they learn about something that went down in Missouri.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? What has to be going through your head to even think about doing this?
What a terrible day to have eyes
From actually reading the piece, this headline is wrong. It should read “Gang-raped 14 year old was burned alive then cut to pieces”
Which actually makes more sense
For transparency, it says that she was alive when she was burned, and the body was recovered from more than one location and this made the investigation harder.
So I have then concluded that she was burned alive and then cut to pieces, rather than cut to pieces alive and then burned.
Glad we cleared that up.
isn’t that worse? i heard being burnt hurts more than being cut.
Yeah, it’s supposed to be the worst pain
It’s not. Drowning is way worse. When you burn (I’m sure it’s insanely awful at first) your nerve endings are destroyed fairly quickly and that stops pain. I’m not saying burning alive isn’t horrific, but pain wise drowning is worse.
I dunno why, but I’ve never imagined drowning as being painful before
Yeah it’s not intuitive. I forget the details but it’s supposed to be excruciating
Drowning is pretty peaceful, I know people who died by drowning and were later resuscitated. They said after the first breath it was bliss
Try snorting a spoonful of water into your and tell us how it feels
Fucking animals. They don’t deserve sentencing. That’s reserved for human beings. Thy should be put down like wild dogs.
These people are monsters indeed.
However, if you want to be part of civil society, you have to do things right. These asswipes deserve a judge and jury too and will then spend probably the rest of their lives in jail.
You can’t have it both ways.
Don’t waste taxpayers money, resources on them. They simply don’t deserve to live for “rest of their lives in jail”
What if you get the wrong person? Yes the perpetrator deserves terrible things, but in order to find and get the right people, we need to go about it in a systematic way. Locking people in jail rather than killing them has the benefit of allowing us to free them should they be exonerated and someone else caught.
It’s not about what’s deserved, it’s about what will lead to the best outcome. Retribution doesn’t necessarily solve problems.
Of you want to love in a civilized society you don’t want to do that. Let them sit in jail for the rest of their lives that’s fine.
Tortured for the rest of their life, not just sitting in a shitty room.
Sitting in a shitty room and not being able to go outside is torture enough for most. Remember how we all went a bit wonky in the head during lockdown? Like that, but for a lifetime.
Lockdown was nothing for me.
It was normal, no change.
Good for you! I used to live in a flatshare, so I had a bigger bubble than most and that helped
Unfortunately a judge and jury leaves wiggle room for bribes to be paid and rich guilty people to be let free.
Gelding is the answer and women should be the ones doing the gelding.
So in other words, you don’t want s civil society, you want anarchy with vendettas and vigilantes because there is no way that could go wrong. There is no way that anyone would abuse that, and no way that anyone innocent would become victim of your system, right? RIGHT?
A civil society doesn’t let women be gang raped, cooked alive then chopped into pieces.
I’m suggesting that maybe they need gangs of women doling out the same kind of attacks on the men that roam around attacking women. It might make men think twice about attacks.
This is not a good thing to do but in the face of a society that seems to care very little about justice for women, it doesn’t really seem crazy.
Well, not entirely. A civil society will try to educate people to not commit criminal acts. It will punish criminal acts. It can’t, however, stop criminal acts with 100% accuracy. No system can. Neither can your “ideas”
What you propose though is just have groups of women go out and straight up murder random innocent men. That doesn’t sound great, it sounds terrible. It has nothing to do with justice, it’s purely about revenge.
Now I’ll happily agree that Indian societal culture is fucked up badly. Castes and treatment of women are just two of the issues and anytime gang rapes come up, you know it’s India or Hindus and that really shows it’s a cultural issue. My wife and I also have multiple personal experiences with Indians (Muslims too, btw) where it’s always them causing any issues.
So having said all that: I think the solution lies in restructuring their cultures. Their boys need to be taught what is right and wrong and right now they’re being taught the wrong thing. I know from personal experience that in a number of countries Muslim boys are taught that western women are whores and that you can do pretty much anything you like to them, as long as you make sure you don’t get caught. I imagine boys in indea having a somewhat similar teaching. THAT is what need to change, but seeing as widespread as it is, good luck with that.
It reminds me of this travel show video where two blonde girls had to go to some village in India and when they arrived there were hundreds of men waiting for them, pushing them, taking forced selfies with them, until they ran off back in the train and left. It was fucking creepy.
Change the culture, don’t assault random innocent men.
I agree with what you are saying but I didn’t ever say to attack random innocent men. I said groups of women should attack the men that attack and rape lone women. It’s not like these type of men only ever attack one woman, they are likely repeat offenders known to the community but possibly protected by money, class or connections and should be dealt with illegally as there is no legal justice that can deal with them.
And how do you propose they identify these men?
You do understand that we ha r a system set up for this already in every country? It’s called the justice system? They are supposed to have rules for this. If that isn’t working then adjust that system.
Having vigilantes roam the street is a recipe for disaster that guaranteed will end with a lot of innocent victims because lynchings always end up with innocent victims
Random acts of violence aren’t prevented by more random acts of violence. All it does is increasingly normalise it.
It’s offensive to the animals to be comparing them to humans. No non-human animal would have been this cruel.
Have you ever sat around and watched ducks?
Bastards, I tell ya.
I’ve seen the female mallard with half of her feathers removed, floating face down in the water dead, all while the males continue to gang rape her for hours.
Maybe we should compare people like this to ducks.
Assuming that’s exactly what you saw, at best you can compare it to necrophilia, not being burned alive in a furnace.
Oh no no no. She was very much alive when they started.
I heard the horror from my bedroom window. See, I had a creek in my back yard, and across from that creek was the only stretch of land that wasn’t a mountain. It wasn’t a big stretch either.
I looked out the window and I seen her running in absolute horror, “QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!” They got her three at a time, sometimes more. They started with the feathers on the back of her neck. She was running around with a bloodied, naked, neck. Then they held her down and started ripping feathers from everywhere. She ran for the water and tried to swim away. One by one they held her head under water while another climbed on her back holding her by the skin of her bleeding neck. Feathers flew. She’d get her head up to quack a quack of terror, and they’d dip her back in.
It wasn’t long until she was floating with her face in the water. The rape went on for hours after that.
Can’t proofread, have toddlers.
Have a good night.
Now its your duty to put down those other bastard ducks. String them up from the lamppost as a warning to the other bastard ducks who live nearby.
In what fuckin universe does that even make sense. How dull does the mind have to be to justify this? I couldn’t chop an arm off of someone I hate, let alone a kid. Let alone all the other insert word to describe this horror.
The fact you’re confused shows us how innocent you are to the world around you.
- I’m not confused. I’m horrified. There’s nothing unclear about this article. You seem to have trouble with text comprehension.
- Luckily, the world around me is not filled with such filth. I can afford to be mortified.
In what fuckin universe does that even make sense.
I’m not confused.
You seem to have trouble with text comprehension.
What in the fuck
If women helped each other kill their rapists, the world would be a better place real soon.
That sounds like a good idea until you remember that women are just as capable as men of being lying psychopaths.
You’re right, it’s a partial solution at best.
That now makes me wonder what the distribution of psychopathy is over sex.
I assume they’re independent and we’d have a “50:50” distribution.
Not interested enough to actually go and find out though.
Psychopaths exist across cultures and ethnic groups and at an estimated frequency of about 1 percent of the population for males and 0.3–0.7 percent for females. Some researchers challenge these numbers, citing bias toward male manifestations in diagnostic instruments and methods.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201906/why-female-psychopaths-are-different-breed
Until the 2000s, most research on psychopathy used male participants, assuming that the findings would transfer to females.
Clinicians generally don’t expect females to be psychopaths, so they might [dis]miss key signs.
From what I read psychopaths may manifest differently in women so a lot of them may go undiagnosed
Sir, your wife is hysterical. As your doctor I prescribe medical vaginal stimulation.
We’ve had a long history of just dismissing problems women suffer.
And with psychiatry it’s really easy to dismiss mental illness as moral or character failings. I always thought I was a lazy piece of shit but I learned I have clinical depression and ADD.
Hey! One can have clinic depression and ADHD and also be a lazy piece of shit. Don’t tell me what I can’t be!
So we will only allow half the females to kill rapists? Is that how statistics works?
Just give them guns. I mean, guns are primitive by today’s measure to manufacture. A sufficient in scale production would make them cheap.
Though arming everybody in India would mean at least one gun for every teen and adult in 1.4bln population, and also ammo.
I’ll allow it. After 900,000 years of being raped the males really do have it coming.
Homo sapiens have only existed as a species for about 300k years, and that’s probably the least of several things wrong with your statement.
I was using the greater definition of humans, which includes our ancestors species. They were still human beings, but not homo sapiens.
"Early humans first migrated out of Africa into Asia probably between 2 million and 1.8 million years ago. They entered Europe somewhat later, between 1.5 million and 1 million years. "
Per the Smithsonian https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution#:~:text=Humans first evolved in Africa,ago come entirely from Africa.
Hominids but not humans. Not the same species. Might as well be talking about chimpanzees.
Yeah. Unfortunately a lot of women find ways to justify their abuse or even worse, get off on it.
So long as we breed for greed, the default for humanity is going to be a shitbag.
It sounds like you may have read somewhere that rape victims sometimes reenact their rape with their partners and concluded that therefore they must like being raped.
You couldn’t be further from the truth.
For your information, they don’t do it because they enjoyed their rape so much, they do it because it helps them work through what happened to them with a partner they trust and where they have complete control over the situation and the outcome unlike what happened to them prior.
Lol, what? You literally just assumed something, then argued against it as though it was fact.
Well, you’re wrong on the first one. I don’t think the rest of your explanation is relevant.
And the award for the stupidest comment of the week goes to…
Got anything substantive to say?
What the actual fuck?
Best not to check the news first thing in the morning…
Dig a large pit 20 feet deep and fill it with fire ants. Drop these demons in that pit and live stream it till they are completely eaten by the ants.
One at a time so they can see what’s coming to them.
Was she an untouchable? Most of the time in these reports where someone has committed some unspeakable atrocity against another in India it’s a higher caste victimizing an untouchable.
I am not going to click on this headli…fuck